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· Astérion. Philosophie, histoire des idées, pensée politique

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Angeliki Koukoutsaki-Monnier, Annabelle Seoane, Nicolas Hubé, Pierre Leroux
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°125/ 2021
Discours de haine dans les réseaux socionumériques
Hate speech on social media

Jean-Claude Zancarini, Romain Descendre
La France d'Antonio Gramsci
Antonio Gramsci's France
Gouvernement en question(s)
This book highlights the role of French history, politics, and culture in the formation and reflection of Gramsci. Gramsci's texts are philology, textual criticism, and philosophical analysis. There are no studies on this topic (except for a 1998 book).

Ludovic Frobert
Vers l'égalité, ou au-delà ?
Towards equality or beyond?
Essai sur l'aube du socialisme
Essay on the dawn of socialism
Gouvernement en question(s)
Today when the objective of a rigorous calculation of merits, renamed equal opportunity or equity, has become not only the dominant value but sometimes the unique value of a dying socialism, it may be appropriate to carry out A journey through time. This short essay therefore proposes a return to the origins of socialism.

Jean-Louis Fournel, Corinne Lucas Fiorato
Laboratoire italien. Politique et société, n°25/2020
Mots et gestes dans l'Italie de la Renaissance
Words and gestures in Early Modern Italy
This issue explores a little-studied aspect of works about the body: the interactions between the two semiotic systems of verbal language and gesture, an aspect of body language. In their interferences, from the 16th century onwards, a profound transformation of the social and individual functions of the "visibile parlare" took place

Paul Bacot, Valérie Bonnet, François Genton
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°124/2020
Chanter le collectif
Singing the collective
Among all the songs that celebrate and objectify the existence of a human collective, anthems occupy a prominent place, but not an exclusive one. This dossier deals with the conditions of their emergence, their linguistic and musical characteristics, their transformations and their multiple social uses.

Valérie Bonnet, Béatrice Fracchiolla, Lilian Mathieu
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°123/2020
Mots. Les langages du politique n°123/2020
De la racine à l'extrémisme. Discours des radicalités politiques et sociales
From the root to extremism. Political and social radicality in speech
Starting from the definition of the discourse of political radicality as both a discourse of (de)legitimisation and a discourse of confrontation, the aim of this issue of the journal Mots is to define (de)radicalisation strategies. It also sets out to define the ways in which the discourse of political radicality is understood.

Enrico Mattioda
Laboratoire italien. Politique et société, n°24/2020
Écritures de la déportation
Deportation literature
The aim of this issue of Laboratoire italien is to consider the narratives of men and women who comment their experiences of the Nazi extermination and concentration camps. They have built a shared cultural memory that has today been brought into question through the rhetorical instruments of the post-truth era.

Émilie Guitard, Igor Krtolica, Baptiste Monsaingeon, Mathilde Rossigneux-Méheust
Tracés, n°37/2019
Les irrécupérables
Beyond reclaim
Considering the current injunction to reintegrate, rehabilitate, and recycle everything, this issue makes the hypothesis that this injunction also tends to deny the fact that industrial capitalist societies massively and constantly produce people and things beyond reclaim.

Amina Damerdji, Samuel Hayat, Natalia La Valle, Christelle Rabier
Tracés, hors-série 2018
Les sciences humaines et sociales au travail (I). Faire revue
Academic journals in the making
Considering the chains of editorial work, the temporalities and social conditions of production, the place assigned to every male and female participant in the publishing process, this issue of Tracés aims to reflect on the effects of the "academic journal" format on the production and reception of knowledge in the humanities and social sciences.

Marie Morelle
Yaoundé carcérale
Carceral Geography of Yaoundé
Géographie d'une ville et de sa prison
Geography of a city and its own prison
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps
This book is about the daily life in the Yaoundé Central Prison. It crosses urban, social and political approaches of geography, from an object barely studied by the discipline. It is the result of a research conducted since 2010.

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