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Sylvain Brunier
Le bonheur dans la modernité
Happiness in modernity
Conseillers agricoles et agriculteurs (1945-1985)
Agricultural advisers and famers in France (1945-1985)
Gouvernement en question(s)
The book proposes to study the professional group of agricultural advisers in order to renew the social and political history of the modernization of French agriculture during the "Trente glorieuses".

Olivier Allard, Christelle Rabier
Tracés, hors-série 2017
Traduire et introduire les sciences sociales d'Asie orientale
Translating and introducing the social sciences of East Asia
In the new "Translating and Introducing" issue, the introduction discusses the choice made by the editorial team to translate “What is modernoly?”. These translations have induced further discussions about geographies and languages of translation, operating epistemologies, as well as scales and modes of comparative analysis, within East Asia.

Pierre Charbonnier, Romain J. Garcier, Camille Rivière
Tracés, n°33/2017
Revenir à la terre ?
Coming back to land ?
This issue of Tracés approaches land as a conceptual object, as a power issue, and as the site of many agencies and political possibilities. Ten contributions (translation, note, dialogue and original papers) from several disciplines shed light on a different side of the comeback of land, reinstating land as a major contemporary concern.

Nicolas Fischer
Le territoire de l'expulsion
Land of the Deported.
La rétention administrative des étrangers et l'État de droit en France
Immigration Detention and the Rule of Law in Contemporary France
Gouvernement en question(s)
This research describes the daily organization of immigration detention centers which are now used in France.The author combines archival work and ethnographic observation to describe the origins, contemporary enforcement and unexpected social effects of this tension between repression and legal protection.

Laura Fournier-Finocchiaro, Jean-Yves Frétigné, Silvia Tatti
Laboratoire italien. Politique et société, n°19/2017
La république en Italie (1848-1948). Héritages, modèles, discours
Republic in Italy (1848-1948). Legacies, models, speeches
This volume traces the construction between 1848 and 1948 of a republican political and literary language both local and national at the same time, the confrontation with foreign republican models and counter models; the Italian republican discourses under the monarchy and fascism.

Sarah Mazouz
La République et ses autres
The Republic and Her Others
Politiques de l'altérité dans la France des années 2000
French Politics of Alterity Since 2000
Gouvernement en question(s)

Michael Stolleis, Christian Roques, Marie-Ange Roy
Le droit à l'ombre de la croix gammée
Études sur l'histoire du droit du national-socialisme
La croisée des chemins

Marc André
Femmes dévoilées. Des Algériennes en France à l'heure de la décolonisation
Women unveiled. Algerian women in France in the age of decolonisation
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps
It examines the itineraries of Algerian women who migrated to France and more specifically to Lyon, before their own country gained independence. This study traces back to a female immigration and prove that these women were full-fledged actors of their history. This dual dynamic led to the establishment of plural identities, between two countries.

Emeline Comby, Yannick Mosset, Stéphanie Carrara
Corpus de textes : composer, mesurer, interpréter
Textual corpora: compilation, analysis, interpretation
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps
Social sciences and humanities make use of textual corpuses. By surrounding various practical analyses with theoretical reflexions, this work mixes fields, methods, softwares and points of view in order to reveal specificities and variations, but also show tools and solution which fields can exchange with each other.

Jean-Louis Fournel, Christian Biet
Astérion, n°15/2016
Après la guerre
After the War
This issue deals refers to the exact time when violents conflicts are supposed to end. Usually called «postwar period» and always perceived as problematic, this moment is an unachieved process: we know when it starts but we do not ever know when it really ends.

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