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Jacques Henriot, Gilles Brougère, Bernard Perron
Sous couleur de jouer
La métaphore ludique
Playful metaphor
Bibliothèque idéale des sciences sociales
Published in 1989, Sous couleur de jouer has become a classic of French-language literature on play and games. Its approach is as much about reflecting on the idea of play as it is about criticizing thoughts that are too quick to grasp what lies at the heart of the phenomenon, that is a lusory attitude.

Viviane Isambert-Jamati, Roger Establet
Crises de la société, crises de l'enseignement
Society crises, Teaching crises
Sociologie de l'enseignement secondaire français
Sociology of French secondary education
Bibliothèque idéale des sciences sociales

Julien Rodriguez, Jean-Arnault Dérens, Benoît Goffin
Vienne, Zagreb, Belgrade, Skopje, Pristina, Novi Pazar, Cetinje, Tirana, Mostar, Bihać
Odyssée, villes-portraits

Marie Bonte
Nuits de Beyrouth
Beirut Nights
Géographie de la fête dans une ville post-conflit
Geography of celebration in a post-conflict city
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps
This book focuses on the night-time world of Beirut's bars and clubs, seeking to understand their social and political relevance in post-conflict Lebanon. It shows how nightlife in Beirut is an driving force in reshaping spaces, and the time for a possible cohabitation that transcends the assigned identities materialized by the fifteen-year civil.

Jérôme Heurtaux, Rachel Renault, Federico Tarragoni
Tracés, n°44/2023-1
États de crise
States of crisis
How does a crisis come into being, exist and pass? In response to these classical questions of the social sciences, this issue of Tracés takes a step aside by examining "states of crisis", i.e., the scholarly and ordinary procedures by which a given situation, in different social worlds, is qualified as "critical" and objectified as a crisis.

Vincent Chabault, Emmanuelle Lallement
Métropoles, n°33/2023
La ville marchande en temps de pandémie
The commercial city (« ville marchande ») in the time of pandemic
This issue, initiated just a few months after the French government's announcement of new restrictive measures (April 2021), proposes to examine the destabilization and redevelopment caused by the pandemic is in the retail sector, and to study its temporary or lasting consequences on urban space.

Lucile Ruault
Le spéculum, la canule et le miroir
Speculum, cannula and mirror
Avorter au MLAC, une histoire entre féminisme et médecine
Abortion at MLAC, a story of feminism and medicine
Perspectives genre
This book proposes a sociohistory of the social control of women's bodies from the perspective of the mobilizations for free abortion from 1972 to 1984 in France. It examines the medicalization of a procedure through the exclusion of lay women and at the same time the feminist appropriation of abortion knowledge.

Anthony Pecqueux, Perrine Poupin, Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod
Tracés, hors-série 2022
L'interdisciplinarité « en effet » : sciences sociales, sciences naturelles
Interdisciplinarity "in effect": Social sciences, natural sciences
This special issue of the journal Tracés focuses on interdisciplinary practices across the social sciences and natural sciences. we sought to reflect on ways of practising interdisciplinarity across disciplines whose research objects, methods, epistemologies and theoretical references seem to differ significantly

Julien Debonneville
L'industrie mondialisée du travail domestique aux Philippines
The globalised domestic work industry in the Philippines
Recruter, former et exporter l'altérité
Recruiting, training and exporting otherness
De l'Orient à l'Occident
This book, based on an ethnographic study, analyses how, in the Philippine migration industry,the domestic workers are recruited and trained before being deployed to Asia,the Middle East, Europe and North America.

Georges Liénard, Émile Servais, Stéphane Bonnery
Capital culturel et inégalités sociales
Cultural capital and social inequalities.
Morales de classes et destinées sociales
Class morals and social destinies
Bibliothèque idéale des sciences sociales
The (re)publication in the Bibliothèque Idéale des Sciences Sociales (Bi2S) of the work of Georges Liénard and Émile Servais finally brings to the attention of the scientific community an unjustly unknown investigation.The new preface by Stéphane Bonnéry, underline its precursory character for the sociology of education and children.

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