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Gilles Campagnolo
« Seuls les extrémistes sont cohérents… » Rothbard et l'École austro-américaine dans la querelle de l'herméneutique
suivi de : "L'invasion de la philosophie et de l'économie par l'herméneutique" de Murray Rothbard

Pierre-François Moreau

David Larre
Nicolas de Cues, penseur et artisan de l'unité
Conjectures, concorde, coïncidence des opposés
La croisée des chemins

Catherine Secretan, Pim den Boer
Simon Stevin. De la vie civile 1590
Simon Stevin. De la vie civile, 1950
La croisée des chemins
Of the writing of the great engineer and mathematician Simon Stevin (Bruges 1548 - The Hague? 1620), it is predominantly his scientific work, striking for its diversity and intention to serve as practical handbooks, which has survived the passage of time. His numerous works, almost all in Dutch, cover areas as diverse as arithmetic and navigation.

Isabelle Moreau, Grégoire Holtz
« Parler librement » La liberté de parole au tournant du XVIe et du XVIIe siècle
"Parler librement". La liberté de parole au tournant du XVIe et XVIIe siècle
Freedom of speech stems from a liberating act, as the reactions of institutions and associations concerned attest. This excess, as ideological as it is verbal, should be measured against the progressive control of knowledge, moral standards and the censorial practices which defend them.

Jacques G. Ruelland
La croisée des chemins
This volume traces the tortuous path and failure of human socio-biology, the pseudo-scientific theory which sparked debate between 1975 and 1985 and which established itself as a scientistic ideology amongst the body of theories on human nature.

Ann Thomson, Pierre-François Moreau
La croisée des chemins
Modernity, from its origins, has accorded a key role to passions. Whether hostile to Reason or, on the contrary, favourable towards it, passions are dangerous and fascinating and bring out the role of the body, desire, language and the imagination in human nature.

Emmanuel Da Silva
Lectures de Michel Foucault
2. Foucault et la philosophie
This volume aims to address Foucault's philosophical lectures by explaining some of the real and discursive practices addressed in the tome: madness, medicine, human sciences, prison and sexuality.

Pierre-François Moreau
Lectures de Michel Foucault
3. Sur les Dits et écrits
3. Sur les "Dits et écrits"
This volume is undoubtedly one of the first works to address the multitude of revisions, explanations and insights collected together in Michel Foucault's Dits et écrits, in 1994. How should one read this survey, which also provides frequent off-the-cuff commentary on the intellectual activity of Michel Foucault ?

Catherine Colliot-Thélène, Jean-François Kervégan

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