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Journal : Repères - Recherches en didactique du français

Repères publishes ongoing research into the didactics of French as a mother tongue or of neighbouring fields, such as didactics of other disciplines, other first languages or foreign languages, linguistics, psycho- and social linguistics, education sciences, etc. Repères is an international journal published in French (with summaries in English, German and Spanish), but is also open to foreign contributions in the French language. Its international editorial and review boards include the best experts in the field.  Rated as a reference journal, it is the only international French-language journal with this profile. It is aimed at researchers and will also be of interest to teacher trainers and advanced students.

• ISSN : 2826097x
• 2 issues per year
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Élaine Turgeon, Ophélie Tremblay, Séverine De Croix
Repères, n°59/2019
La lecture et l'écriture littéraires à l'école à l'aide de l'album jeunesse : quelle progression?
Literary reading and writing at school using children's books: what progress is being made ?
This issue examines two perspectives on the concept of progression, regarding reading and writing through the youth album. The first concerns the order in which learning contents are planned. The second regards the development of reading and writing skills.

Brigitte Louichon, Marion Sauvaire
Repères, n°58/2018
Le tournant éthique en didactique de la littérature
The ethical turn in the field of literature teaching
This publication examines the epistemological foundations, the theoretical frameworks and the didactic practices of teaching literature focused on the ethical training of students in different French-speaking countries.

Claire Doquet-Lacoste, Jacques David
Repères, n°57/2018
Collecter, interpréter, enseigner l'écriture. Analyses linguistiques des écrits d'élèves
Collect, interpret, teach the writing. Linguistic analyses of student' papers
This issue of Repères is part of these perspectives and opens up to research with new dimensions for the analysis of student writings, in a dynamic of writing that always includes the process of putting into words.It describes the phenomena of putting into text, in order to understand the relationships between the production of forms and of meaning

Bertrand Daunay, Nathalie Denizot
Repères, n°56/2017
L'exercice de français au primaire et au collège
The Exercises in Primary and Lower Secondary Education
This issue of Repères aims a better understanding of what is meant by exercice in the French tongue classroom, in primary and lower secondary education. More precisely, the matter is to identify what can be the didactic approach to the exercise, which can not be treated independently of the involved contents.

Jacques Crinon, Ana Dias-Chiaruttini
Repères, n°55/2017
Interroger l'efficacité des pratiques d'enseignement de la lecture-écriture au cours préparatoire
Examining the effectiveness of teaching practices pertaining to reading and writing (literacy instruction) in primary school.
What brings about the effectiveness of the teaching of reading and writing at the beginning of compulsory primary schooling? And which practices favour weaker pupils? This edition of the review is resultant from the research "The influence of teaching practices of reading and writing on the quality of learning in the primary school".

Michel Grandaty, Pascal Dupont
Repères, n°54/2016
L'oral à l'école : qu'apprend-on et comment ?
Oral communication at school: what are pupils learning and how?
The objective of this issue is to go beyond the taught oral skills v oral skills for learning dichotomy to show that educationalists have continued to problematize the latter, which suggests that the teaching of oral skills is becoming an established practice in the teaching of the French language.

Marie-Claude Penloup, Yves Reuter, Régine Delamotte-Legrand
Repères, n°53/2016
Décrocher à l'école : la part du français
The school dropout problem: a didactic approach studying the impact of French teaching
This issue of Repères is innovative in that it sets out to plug this gap by addressing the school dropout problem from a didactic perspective, focusing on school subjects and the French language in particular.

Bernadette Kervyn, Catherine Brissaud
Repères, n°52/2015
Lecture et écriture: les choix des enseignants au début de l'école élémentaire
How to make recommendations regarding reading and writing at the beginning of primary school without knowing teachers' practices, without measuring the efficiency of their practices, without seizing the complexity of early learnings? And how to document teachers' choices?

Olivier Dezutter, Jean-Louis Dufays
Repères, n°51/2015
Explorer les lieux et les temps de la lecture
Exploring places and times of reading
This issue focuses on the situation of pupils readers in their early years learning, on the practices of their teachers and on the educationalists work for seeking to better understand and guide the activities of each other.

Pierre Sève, Sylvie Cèbe
Repères, n°50/2014
Lire en maternelle : la lecture avant que de savoir lire
Reading in preschool : reading before knowing how to read
Recent studies showed that these experiences can foster language development and early reading and that those early reading skills heavily determines children's has lasting effects on later reading comprehension. So early school practices can prepare the ways of a cultivated practice of reading In this issue Repères proposes several points of view

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