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Stéphane Bonnery, Paul Pasquali
Revue française de pédagogie, n°217/2022
« Le "métier d'enfant" » 50 ans après : penser l'éducation et la socialisation avec Jean-Claude Chamboredon
"Le 'métier d'enfant'"50 years after: Thinking education and socialisation with Jean-Claude Chamboredon
Fifty years ago, Jean-Claude Chamboredon and Jean Prévot published "Le 'métier d'enfant'", a seminal article followed by other publications on early childhood and, more generally, on socialisation at different stages of life. This special issue mobilise concepts, problems and approaches that are inspired by these publications and aim to update them

Françoise Laot, Emmanuel (de) Lescure
Revue française de pédagogie, n°215/2022
Éducations militantes, formations au militantisme
Activist education, activist training
Activism is often conceived of as a form of schooling per se, but what it teaches is hardly perceptible. The issues of activism and engagement have particularly captured the attention of sociologists of politics, but few studies are devoted to activist training.The aim of this dossier is to grasp the diversity of learning forms produced by activism

Maira de Araujo Mamede, Julien Netter
Revue française de pédagogie, n°213/2021
Les enfants parlent de la classe
How children talk about the classroom
When adults talk about the classroom, they impose a way of perceiving it, of interpreting it. But what happens when children talk about the classroom? The three articles which comprise this issue report on recent studies which, adopting different approaches, collect children's statements about the classroom using original methods.

Ludivine Balland, Marie David, Gérald Houdeville, Fanny Jedlicki, Sophie Orange
Revue française de pédagogie, n°209 / 2019
Quand étudier, c'est travailler. Cadres institués des études et perspectives étudiantes
When studying is working. Established frameworks and student perspectives
This issue focuses on the question of learning in higher education by using methods and concepts from the sociology of work. This heuristic perspective seeks to make visible all the activities and dimensions of student work. This approach focuses on their practices, their own rationales, which may or may not lead to success.

Géraldine Lepan
Astérion, n°22/2020
Le lien social
The social link
This special issue aims at shedding light on different notions of the social link from Plato, Montaigne and Locke, to the Age of Enlightenment, where three articles fuel the debate played out in particular by Hume and Rousseau.

Adrien Chassain, Pauline Clochec, Gilles Guilhem Couffignal, Chloé Le Meur, Marc Lenormand, Marine Trégan
Tracés, n°30/2016
L'expérience minoritaire
The minority experience
Calling on the notion of experience to approach minority groups aims at keeping at bay any assumption of passivity regarding minority groups. . The authors collected the material for their research on minority groups through semi-structured interviews, through ethnographical surveys, in judicial archives.

Dominique Glasman
Revue française de pédagogie, n°189/2014
L'internat et ses usages, d'hier à aujourd'hui
The function of boarding schools past and present
This essay addresses how parents and students have been using boarding schools past and present.