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Tracés, hors-série 2018

Tracés, hors-série 2018

Les sciences humaines et sociales au travail (I). Faire revue


Academic journals in the making

Considering the chains of editorial work, the temporalities and social conditions of production, the place assigned to every male and female participant in the publishing process, this special issue of Tracés aims to reflect on the effects of the "academic journal" format on the production and reception of knowledge in the humanities and social sciences. The issue invites studies by members of individual journals, both new and old, as well as scholars reflecting on transversal topics interesting journals.

In "Academic journals in the making" three essential dimensions are epitomized. Academic journals may be considered as places of power, where the professional status and sociological profile of its members, their assigned role, but also the topics addressed or else the selecting or commissioning of articles crucially put to question the relationship between power and scientific knowledge. The second dimension is the economics of journals, including working conditions. How are journals funded and what the consequences on their strategic choices? Why does one journal go all-digital while another chooses hard copy print and careful design? Is open access publishing a pure financial matter? What are the effects of digital environments on the professions and practices of publishing chains? This issue analyses the impact of these dimensions on the production of journals and the material conditions that make them possible. Finally, a journal is designed to be read. Questioning the reception, real and desired, through specific cases, also makes it possible to understand how the production of knowledge is directed.

Samuel Hayat
lien IdRef : 170458954


Samuel Hayat, Judith Lyon-Caen, Federico Tarragoni
Tracés, n°34/2018
La singularité
This issue elaborates upon the notion of singularity, in an interdisciplinary way, from a double point of of view: the analytic operations of producing generalizing knowledge from objects deemed singular; and, more empirically, the processes of singularizing individuals from their social practices and ordinary sociabilities.

Samuel Hayat, Camille Paloque-Bergès