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La carte et la fable

La carte et la fable

Stevenson, modèle d'une nouvelle fiction latino-américaine (Bioy Casares, Borges, Cortázar)


The Map and the Fable
Stevenson, Model of a New Latin American Fiction (Bioy Casares, Borges, Cortázar)

The international recognition of Latin American literature during the twentieth century has been interpreted by critics as the result of a Modernist influence, mainly through the reading of James Joyce and William Faulkner. Some Latin American writers, though, pursued other strategies: Bioy Casares, Borges and Cortázar used the foundations of popular literature (fantasy, detective or horror literature, adventure novels) to reconfigure the relations between the literary sphere and the political, national and cultural demands. In this context, Robert Louis Stevenson's work on popular audiences and generic hybridity at the end of the Victorian era can be seen as an ideal point of reference, thanks to its complexity and constant focus on experimentation. The aim of this study is to analyse this process using conceptual and theoretical tools from world literature. Stevenson can thus be seen as a model for considering and resolving certain geographical and literary dilemmas.

Raphaël Luis
lien IdRef : 197413951