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Repères, n°69/2024

À quoi servent les évaluations institutionnelles ?

Repères - Recherches en didactique du français

What are institutional assessments used for?

In addition to assessments that teachers implement in their classes to monitor learning, institutionally-defined assessments, which they do not initiate but which can influence their practices and teaching choices, also exist. This issue of Repères focuses on these, as they play an important and growing role in French language teaching and training. Through the contributions it brings together, this issue highlights the considerable challenges involved in institutional assessments, which can have different, sometimes intertwined, functions: a certifying function when they are used to award a diploma, a selective function when they take the form of a competitive examination or an informative objective when they are part of national or international surveys. The critical analyses proposed in these articles, which examine institutional assessments from the point of view of their relevance and the reliability of the information they provide, show how these assessments are used in the institutional management of teaching.

Sylvie Plane
lien IdRef : 031071767


Sylvie Plane, Fanny Rinck
Repères, n°63/2021
La place de la vulgarisation dans la culture professionnelle des enseignants
Popularisation in the professional culture of teachers
This issue of Repères focuses on popularisation and its dissemination in a context where the teaching and learning of French is the subject of heterogeneous discourses. The question of popularisation is approached in terms of transmission, interpretation and appropriation, and through its role as an instrument of the professional culture of teacher

Sylvie Plane, Frédéric François
Repères, n°33/2006
La fiction et son écriture

Sylvie Plane
Repères, n°26/2004
L'écriture et son apprentissage à l'école élémentaire

Claudine Garcia-Debanc, Sylvie Plane

Sylvie Plane, Bernard Schneuwly
Repères, n°22/2000
Les outils d'enseignement du français