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Signifier. Essai sur la mise en signification

Signifier. Essai sur la mise en signification

Parcours dans l'espace épistémique et dans l'espace communicationnel ordinaire


Signifying. An essay on how meaning is ascribed
Trajectories in the areas of epistemology and ordinary communication

Examining the way in which we grasp languages and use them to ascribe meaning, this work offers a reflexive and cross-cutting approach at the margins of the disciplines which constitute the human and social sciences. It is addressed to linguists, epistemologists, language theorists and historians, as well as anyone interested in how we construe meaning in and through language.

Beginning with how genealogical filiation has been imagined since the 19th century, giving rise to the metaphors of biology, complex systems and ecology today, the author highlights the pervasiveness and the limitations of these metaphorical modeling processes in the construal of knowledge. These questions open onto an epistemology of science: what are the constraints determining our analysis of language phenomena and language dynamics ? What is the conditioning which underlies our theoretical constructs ? What realities orient linguists in their understanding ?

Then, considering our practices in the ordinary communicational space, the author turns to semiotic dynamics and pinpoints our activities and activism as communication actors in the process of ascribing meaning to language and developing knowledge, thus suggesting a renewed anthropology which has yet to be established.

The volume concludes by linking the two issues from the perspective of an epistemology of human and social sciences.