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La realidad y el deseo. Toponymie du découvreur en Amérique espagnole, de Carmen Val Julián

suivi de textes en hommage à l'auteur

Edited by Marina Mestre-Zaragoza, Marie-Linda Ortega, Julien Roger

La realidad y el deseo. Toponymie du découvreur en Amérique espagnole (1492-1520), one of the last works of Carmen Val Julián, who died in 2004, provides pioneering, original and meticulous research on toponymy, the act of naming and what came to be known as the New World.
The rich and fertile heritage of this author who played an active role in the revival of Hispanic studies during her fifteen years spent teaching at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure in Fontenay/Saint Cloud and the Ecole Polytechnique features in the second part of this volume. It includes contributions from twenty or so authors who knew her well and who follow the lines of research which she developed: writing history, rewriting histories, naming and measuring the power of words.
But this tribute would not be complete without more personal evocations of all aspects of the warm personality of this translator, teacher and researcher. This volume of studies on Latin America and the Spanish-speaking world in general demonstrates the region's influence.

Marina Mestre-Zaragoza
lien IdRef : 076695298


Delphine Antoine-Mahut, André Charrak, Pierre Girard, Marina Mestre-Zaragoza
La raison au travail, 1
Reason at work, 1
Pour une histoire rationnelle des idées
For a rational history of ideas
Hors Collection
Pierre-François Moreau, author of Spinoza: l'expérience et l'éternité (1994) and Problèmes du spinozisme (2006), has initiated a spectacular revival of a rational history of ideas, thanks in particular to his studies of Spinoza. This volume, the first of two dedicated to his work, brings together original contributions by historians of philosophy.