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L'urgence et l'effroi

L'urgence et l'effroi

L'état d'exception, la guerre et les temps politiques

La croisée des chemins

Urgency and Terror
State of exception, war and political times

Ninon Grangé approaches the state of exception from the philosophical angle. The book is devoted to a diachronic analysis by referring to legal history texts and genealogies that have been proposed, and to a synchronic analysis based on philosophical, sociological and political sources. The reduction and suppression of freedoms are only the tip of the state of emergency as it has recently been established in different countries. In his philosophical apprehension, he reveals aspects of politics that, in the ordinary time that is believed to be linear, are invisible. The work draws a historical framework that brings back the state of exception to its origin, the state of siege which, surprisingly, no longer distinguishes between civil war and external war. Thanks to this index of ambivalence permeating the state of exception from the outset, various instrumentalizations are analyzed: the amalgamation with the civil war, the idea of dictatorship, the non-right. This book proposes to show that politics is always a way of imposing a temporality against other temporalities, both unveiled and covered by the state of exception.