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Tracés, n°41/2021

Tracés, n°41/2021

Batailles de la faim

Edited by Pierre Janin, Natalia La Valle, Anne Lhuissier, Thomas Ribémont


Battles of hunger

Hunger is a constructed phenomenon, inherent to human societies, whatever the level of available resources, political regimes, or governance. The relationship between hunger and politics is tight: hunger crystallises a balance of power giving rise to multiple battles, both material and symbolic. The texts presented here highlight the lived experiences, practices and standards of individual, collective and institutional actors, and their multiple conflicts and interests at stake. The double political and empirical prism adopted here generally appears to be a blind spot, or even an unconsidered topic, for many institutions (states, aid and development organisations, etc.), which define the fight against hunger in terms of standardised objectives, according to a process often presented as consensual. However, the nature of powers and antagonistic visions of hunger contradicts these technocratic readings: battles arise and crystallise as a result of relations of domination, opposing logics and interests. This issue addresses the controversies about the definition and delimitation of hunger; hunger as a source of demands for rights and resources, or as a protest tool; the use of hunger for the social and political control of populations. With this Tracés issue, we hope to provide knowledge and insights that will contribute to making hunger a public problem and food a common good.