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Recherche et formation, n°53/2006

Formation de formateurs d'adultes : approche historique

Recherche et formation

Françoise Laot
lien IdRef : 034518886


Françoise Laot, Emmanuel (de) Lescure
Revue française de pédagogie, n°215/2022
Éducations militantes, formations au militantisme
Activist education, activist training
Activism is often conceived of as a form of schooling per se, but what it teaches is hardly perceptible. The issues of activism and engagement have particularly captured the attention of sociologists of politics, but few studies are devoted to activist training.The aim of this dossier is to grasp the diversity of learning forms produced by activism

Françoise Laot
Histoire de l'éducation, n°156/2021
L'éducation des femmes adultes au XXe siècle, travailleuses, épouses et mères, citoyennes
Adult Women's Education in the 20th Century, workers women, spouses and mothers, citizens
At the crossroads of the history of the education of adults and the history of women and gender, this issue focuses on adult women's education, notably aiming at women from working-class backgrounds, in various national and temporal contexts in the whole 20th century.

Françoise Laot, Paul Olry
Education et formation des adultes
histoire et recherches