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Matérialisme et passions

Matérialisme et passions

La croisée des chemins

Modernity, from its origins, has accorded a key role to passions. Whether hostile to Reason or, on the contrary, favourable towards it, passions are dangerous and fascinating and bring out the role of the body, desire, language and the imagination in human nature. The same period has witnessed the development of different variants of materialism. Almost all of them re-evaluate what Classical Reason tended to suppress or consider as an indicator of human weakness, namely the body and everything which, in the soul or in society, bears the traces of bodily activity and body positivity.
One might, therefore, expect materialists to accord particular significance to passions, to recognise laws within them rather than just defects and vices, and to try to identify what is effective in all human activities. We still need to consider how each materialism operates, what particular configuration it uses to account for these phenomena or how it bypasses the speeches of classical theory, forcing them to use their own objects.
Rather than supposing the existence of a single materialist theory, there is a need for investigation which takes in the diversity of these authors, situates them in their context and identifies the turning points which this general problem of the passions, which seems to have dominated for several centuries, encounters in each of them.

Pierre-François Moreau
lien IdRef : 027037819

Pierre-François Moreau, Michaël Pouteyo
Fernand Deligny et la philosophie
Fernand Deligny and Philosophy
Un étrange objet
A strange object
La croisée des chemins
For more than sixty years, Deligny has built a body of work around children on the fringes. A work that inextricably links theory and practice, opportunities and attempts, writing and cinema. By a thought of both the immutable and the circumstantial; by a look that turns out – in an unusual sense – to be deeply and differently political.

Pierre-François Moreau


Architectures de la raison
Mélanges offerts à Alexandre Matheron

Pierre-François Moreau, Matteo Vincenzo Alfonso
Phénoménologie et marxisme
Perspectives historiques et legs théoriques
La croisée des chemins

Pierre-François Moreau
Astérion, n°23/2020
Matériaux du spinozisme
Materials of Spinozism
This dossier analyses how Spinoza reshapes the legacy of different traditions. For him, these legacies are in fact materials to be reworked: how does the Spinozist system deal with the classic questions of suicide, historical experience, divine omnipotence and human finitude?

Pierre-François Moreau, Raffaele Carbone, Chantal Jaquet
À la croisée des interprétations
At the Crossroads of Interpretations
La croisée des chemins
The relationship between Spinoza's and Malebranche's philosophies has rarely been approached head-on in a speculative comparison which explores both the ontology and theory of knowledge and ethics and politics. This book offers new research on this subject.

Pierre-François Moreau
Lectures de Michel Foucault
3. Sur les Dits et écrits
3. Sur les "Dits et écrits"
This volume is undoubtedly one of the first works to address the multitude of revisions, explanations and insights collected together in Michel Foucault's Dits et écrits, in 1994. How should one read this survey, which also provides frequent off-the-cuff commentary on the intellectual activity of Michel Foucault ?

Charles T. Wolfe, Pierre-François Moreau
Lire le matérialisme
Reading Materialism
La croisée des chemins
These essays focus on the problem of materialism in the history of philosophy, in different contexts, some classic, some less so (mind-body relations, the status of the brain, the issue of atheism, but also, dreams, embodiment; laughter and the emergence of a "new materialism" in contemporary thought)

Jacques-Louis Lantoine, Pierre-François Moreau
L'intelligence de la pratique
The Intelligence of Practice
Le concept de disposition chez Spinoza
The Concept of Disposition in Spinoza
La croisée des chemins
Unlike traditional and contemporary approches of dispositions, the philosophy of Spinoza proposes a deterministic and actualist definition. This book highlights the originality of this definition and shows that the concept is crucial for the philosophy of practice and anthropology of Spinoza.