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Tracés, Hors-série 2021

Tracés, Hors-série 2021

Les sciences humaines et sociales au travail (III): Réseaux socionumériques et travail de la recherche

Edited by Annabelle Allouch, Diégo Antolinos-Basso, Florian Besson, Natalia La Valle, Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod


Social sciences and humanities at work (III): Digital networks and the work of research

For the last fifteen years, the development of digital social networks (DSN) and their uses have changed the public space as well as professional, personal and militant practices. What effect has this had on scientific production and on the professional identity of its creators? What do DSN say about the evolution of scientific and academic professions? What opportunities, but also what obstacles, do researchers encounter when they engage in social networking today to bring their research to life in a different way? Beyond the arenas that these networks help create, what regulations and adjustments do they require in terms of professional practice? Through a series of articles based on surveys and the experiences of social science professionals (researchers and those involved in digital communication), this special issue of Tracés aims to shed light on the social and institutional conditions of the production of science in the DSN era.

Natalia La Valle
lien IdRef : 156891212


Pierre Janin, Natalia La Valle, Anne Lhuissier, Thomas Ribémont
Tracés, n°41/2021
Batailles de la faim
Battles of hunger
Hunger is a constructed phenomenon, inherent to human societies, whatever the level of available resources, political regimes, or governance. here highlight the lived experiences, practices and standards. With this Tracés issue, we hope to provide knowledge and insights that will contribute to making hunger a public problem and food a common good.

Amina Damerdji, Samuel Hayat, Natalia La Valle, Christelle Rabier
Tracés, hors-série 2018
Les sciences humaines et sociales au travail (I). Faire revue
Academic journals in the making
Considering the chains of editorial work, the temporalities and social conditions of production, the place assigned to every male and female participant in the publishing process, this issue of Tracés aims to reflect on the effects of the "academic journal" format on the production and reception of knowledge in the humanities and social sciences.

Natalia La Valle, Barbara Turquier, Bruno Vétel
Tracés, n°28/2015
Matières à jouer

Olivier Allard, Guillaume Calafat, Natalia La Valle
Tracés, hors-série 2014
Traduire et introduire : Calveiro / Smail / Strathern