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Repères, n°64/2021

Repères, n°64/2021

Lire des œuvres en extraits, quels enjeux pour l'enseignement de la littérature ?

Edited by Anissa Belhadjin, Marie-France Bishop

Repères - Recherches en didactique du français

Reading works of literature in the form of extracts, what are the implications for literature teaching?

The relationship between a work and extracts from it, which is the subject of this dossier, can be approached both as a means and a product of teaching of literature in schools. On the one hand, because extracts help to convert cultural topics into teaching topics, and on the other hand, because they are created by schools which, through them, develop and transmit a certain representation of literature. The school is, therefore, one of the drivers of literary production, one of the places where corpora are compiled, where works become part of a national or world heritage.

Based on the observation that extracts have implications for the teaching of literature and the selection of works for study in schools, the various articles seek to ascertain the relationships which are established between a work and extracts from it. Firstly, by emphasising the role of extracts in students' reading. Secondly, by revealing the importance of extracts in the process of enshrining works as part of the national heritage. Finally, through these articles, we reveal how extracts reveal the challenges involved in teaching literature.

Marie-France Bishop
lien IdRef : 084598425


Marthe Fradet-Hannoyer, Marie-France Bishop
Repères, n°67/2023-1
Quelles mutations dans le champ de la didactique du français, à l'école primaire ?
What changes are taking place in the teaching of the French language in primary schools?
This dossier examines how the teaching of French deals with the question of changes in education. Work in this area which observes and analyses these changes lies at the center of this discussion, which is as much about learning and teaching issues as those of training.

Marie-France Bishop, Marie-Claude Penloup
Repères, n°34/2006
L'écriture de soi et l'école