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Collection : Feuillets, économie politique moderne Feuillets

« FEUILLETS" : Économie politique moderne » is a collection of monographs of between 120 and 130 pages. It consists of titles which follow the following logic and composition. Firstly, the texts published or republished cover the evolution of modern economics. The texts are relatively short - articles or excerpts - which are currently not readily available because, for example, they were originally published in a foreign language (in this case they will, of course, be translated), or because they were never republished. A critical introduction is also provided to situate the text and its author in context and bring to light what makes them interesting and original in terms of exchanges between philosophy and economics; that may be achieved from different perspectives - the history of a work, a concept or a tradition. The greatest possible emphasis is placed on the enduring problems raised in the relationship between the two disciplines. As far as composition is concerned, each monograph might average one third criticism and two thirds commentary.


• ISSN : 12549878
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The studies in this collection aim to show how Quevedo's love poetry, whilst drawing from Petrarchist tradition, also features formal study of the sonnet, the emergence of a specific satirical tone, the revival of certain myths or symbolic figures and finally includes amorous tension at the heart of the writing.

Information et démocratie
Mutation du débat public

Le Génie de la langue française
Autour de Marot et La Fontaine. L'Adolescence clémentine, Les Amours de Psyché et de Cupidon

Jacqueline Bonnamour, Béatrice Vélard
Quelles recherches aujourd'hui pour les campagnes de demain ?
Aménagement rural et recherche géographique

Marie-Linda Ortega

Pierre Achard

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