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Collection : Feuillets, économie politique moderne Feuillets

« FEUILLETS" : Économie politique moderne » is a collection of monographs of between 120 and 130 pages. It consists of titles which follow the following logic and composition. Firstly, the texts published or republished cover the evolution of modern economics. The texts are relatively short - articles or excerpts - which are currently not readily available because, for example, they were originally published in a foreign language (in this case they will, of course, be translated), or because they were never republished. A critical introduction is also provided to situate the text and its author in context and bring to light what makes them interesting and original in terms of exchanges between philosophy and economics; that may be achieved from different perspectives - the history of a work, a concept or a tradition. The greatest possible emphasis is placed on the enduring problems raised in the relationship between the two disciplines. As far as composition is concerned, each monograph might average one third criticism and two thirds commentary.


• ISSN : 12549878
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Alain Peyraube, Bai Gang
Discours du Qi
Texte historique de la Chine pré-impériale

Isabelle Moreau, Grégoire Holtz
« Parler librement » La liberté de parole au tournant du XVIe et du XVIIe siècle
"Parler librement". La liberté de parole au tournant du XVIe et XVIIe siècle
Freedom of speech stems from a liberating act, as the reactions of institutions and associations concerned attest. This excess, as ideological as it is verbal, should be measured against the progressive control of knowledge, moral standards and the censorial practices which defend them.

Françoise Massit-Folléa, Béatrice de Pastre-Robert, Monique Dubost

Ludovic Frobert
« Si vous êtes si malins… » McCloskey et la rhétorique des économistes
« Si vous êtes si malins… ». McCloskey et la rhétorique des sciences économiques
D. N. McCloskey states, among other things, that the study of economic texts stems primarily from literary criticism; that mathematical models, highly valued by economists, are essentially metaphorical and constitute a genuinely original poetic genre.

Raynald Belay, Claire Marin
De la nature à l'esprit
Études sur la philosophie française du XIXe siècle

Marco Rühl
Given that this volume is designed as a "guide" covering the basics of German linguistics, with an illustrative rather than an exhaustive approach so as not to be too technical, a rather unusual format was required.

Lectures de Canguilhem
Le normal et le pathologique

Marianne Gourg

Jacques Guilhaumou
La Parole des sans
Les mouvements actuels à l'épreuve de la Révolution française

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