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Collection : La Croisée des chemins

Research, heritage, controversy - these are just some of the forms the movement of ideas can take. The history of thought is not restricted to grandiose and impenetrable systems; it also includes a large volume of speeches, polemics, and conceptual migrations from one branch of thought to another. The "La croisée des chemins" collection publishes texts on the subject of intellectual history and its current impact: philosophy, political and legal theory, the aesthetics and challenges of scientific practices. It also sets out to promote foreign research in these areas and to make available to readers the key texts which are regarded as milestones in this history.


• ISSN : 17658128
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Pascal Sévérac, Anne Sauvagnargues
Spinoza-Deleuze: lectures croisées
Spinoza-Deleuze : comparative studies
La croisée des chemins

Aliènor Bertrand
Condillac, philosophe du langage ?
Condillac, philosopher of language ?
La croisée des chemins
With the help of scholars coming from various disciplines (history of philosophy, philosophy of language, linguistic, lexicography), the present volume suggests various ways to circulate in Condillac's writings on language.

Renaud Garcia
La nature de l'entraide
The biological basis of anarchism in Peter Kropotkin's thought
Pierre Kropotkine et les fondements biologiques de l'anarchisme
La croisée des chemins
We intend to show in this book how, at the end of the nineteenth century, the russian scientist and anarchist P. Kropotkin (1842-1921) waged a fight against social-darwinism, which used darwinian's natural selection model in order to justify social inequality.

Hans-Christoph Schmidt am Busch, Alain Patrick Olivier, Maiwenn Roudaut
La croisée des chemins

Philippe Sabot
Le Même et l'Ordre
The Same and the Order
Michel Foucault et le savoir à l'âge classique
Michel Foucault and the classical Knowledge
La croisée des chemins
This book intends rather to highlight the nature of Foucault's archaeological approach, he refers himself to a "history of the order of things" and to a "thought of the Same", which classical knowledge focuses issues.

Jean-Michel Buée, Emmanuel Renault
Hegel à Iéna
Hegel in Iena
La croisée des chemins
In hegelian french-speaking litterature, only partial studies about Iena's period are available. The present book attempts to consider the whole of hegelian thinking of this time, and to question its transformations, as well in the field of logic as in those of philosophy of nature or philosophy of spirit.

Jean-Toussaint Desanti, David Wittmann, Jacques Deschamps, Dominique Pradelle
La croisée des chemins

Élodie Cassan
Bacon et Descartes : genèses de la modernité philosophique
Bacon and Descartes : the Geneses of Modern Philosophy
La croisée des chemins
Bacon and Descartes are often regarded as having laid out the agenda for modern philosophy, in so far as they have rejected Aristotelism and in so far as they have elaborated on the power of man over nature and on the importance of technique.

Adam Ferguson, Patrick Vieu
Essai sur l'histoire de la société civile
Traduction, introduction, notes et index par Patrick Vieu
La croisée des chemins

Christophe Bouriau
La croisée des chemins

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