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Collection : Langages

This collection is intended to reflect the various trends and sectors which make up the language sciences today. It is both a platform for reflection on linguistic activity and the epistemology of language sciences and a forum for publishing significant results obtained by European linguistic research teams. It therefore includes the major trends in linguistic research without prejudice or exclusion. It places a particular emphasis on the diversity of natural languages as areas for exploration by posing questions which are either specific or likely to provide a genuine basis for theoretical reflection of a general nature.
A dedicated series, entitled "Histoire des réflexions sur le langage et les langues", was created in 2010.


• ISSN : 12856096
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Le discours de la linguistique
Linguistic Discourse
Gestes et imaginaires du savoir
Gestures and Imaginaries of Knowledge
The book presents a novel approach to the field of linguistics, which is here envisioned as a discursive practice. Through analyses of specific case studies, it sheds light on the gestures and imaginaries that underpin the enunciation of knowledge.

Monica Heller
Éléments d'une sociolinguistique critique
Elements of a critical sociolinguistics
This second edition updates a text which laid the foundations of the field of critical ethnographic sociolinguistics, and which has become an essential reference and important teaching tool.

Audrey Roig, Anne-Gaëlle Toutain, Armance Neveu
Concert mondial de linguistique française
Mondial concert of french linguistics
Mélanges offerts à Franck Neveu
In honour of Franck Neveu
This tribute volume to the French linguist Franck Neveu brings together contributions on the history and epistemology of linguistics, on French and comparative, synchronic and diachronic syntax and semantics, as well as on dialectology, text genetics, cognitive linguistics, text linguistics and enunciative linguistics.

Nolwenn Lorenzi Bailly, Claudine Moïse
Discours de haine et de radicalisation
Hate Speech and Radicalisation
Les notions clés
Key concepts
Identifying discursive features of hate speech is a complex process and digital practices could affect them. On the one hand, it is relatively easy to analyse what we have called "discours de haine directe" depending on three concomitant conditions, pathemic discursive dimension, negation of otherness and condemnation speech acts

Claudia Schweitzer
La voix, souffle de l'émotion
The voice, breath of emotion
Parole et chant à l'Âge classique
Speech and song in the Classical Age
The human voice is a fascinating instrument. Through speech, singing and declamation, it transmits not only ideas, but also the emotions of the person who emits it. For a long time, its expressiveness has interested people, theorists as well as practitioners, and different paths have been taken to define and describe it.

Nick Riemer
L'emprise de la grammaire
Propositions épistémologiques pour une linguistique mineure

Gilles Siouffi
Le sentiment linguistique chez Saussure
Saussure's linguistic feeling
This book draws the attention on a concept that has so far been little studied by the great linguist Ferdinand de Saussure: that of linguistic sentiment. He specifies its origins, studies its inflexions in all the textual materials available today, and shows its potential in linguistic analysis.

Zorana Sokolovska
Over the past few decades, discourses promoting and valuing plurilingualism have permeated different social domains. This book focuses on the emergence and circulation of ideas about languages in the Council of Europe, in particular on what plurilingualism is, its role and its implications for the management of Europe.

Emmanuelle Prak-Derrington, Claude Hagège
Magies de la répétition
Rehearsal magic
Why is repetition used in lyrical, political, religious and magical practices? Written from a broadly interdisciplinary perspective, this book presents tor the first time a unitary definition of repetition in language. It casts new light on performativity and the power of words.

Jean-Marie Fournier, Aimée Lahaussois, Valérie Raby
Hommage à Bernard Colombat
Festschrift for Bernard Colombat
This book presents a collection of studies on the history of linguistics as a tribute to Bernard Colombat, an internationally renowned specialist in Latin and French grammatical traditions, and the mastermind behind numerous digital and editorial projects, both collective and individual.

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