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Collection : Langages

This collection is intended to reflect the various trends and sectors which make up the language sciences today. It is both a platform for reflection on linguistic activity and the epistemology of language sciences and a forum for publishing significant results obtained by European linguistic research teams. It therefore includes the major trends in linguistic research without prejudice or exclusion. It places a particular emphasis on the diversity of natural languages as areas for exploration by posing questions which are either specific or likely to provide a genuine basis for theoretical reflection of a general nature.
A dedicated series, entitled "Histoire des réflexions sur le langage et les langues", was created in 2010.


• ISSN : 12856096
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Christine Develotte, Richard Kern, Marie-Noëlle Lamy
Décrire la conversation en ligne
Le face à face distanciel

Louis-Jean Boë, Coriandre Vilain

Carita Klippi
La vie du langage
La vie du langage
La linguistique dynamique en France de 1864 à 1916

Franck Floricic
Essais de typologie et de linguistique générale
Essais de typlogie et de linguistique générale
Mélanges offerts à Denis Creissels

Emilie Aussant
Le nom propre en Inde
Considérations sur le mécanisme référentiel
By analysing a large number of Sanskrit technical texts, this study aims to show and explain how the specificity of the semiotic status of proper nouns has been addressed in the three traditional Indian disciplines ofvyākaraṇa (grammar), nyāya (logic) andmīmāṃsā (exegesis), in all three of which reflection on language is central.

Barbara Kaltz
Forming part of a research project on the history of theories of word formation, this volume uses an historiographical approach to review the treatment of compound words in different linguistic traditions - Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, Arabic, Hebrew and German.

Catherine Kerbrat-Orecchioni, Véronique Traverso

Sylvie Wharton, Claudine Bavoux, Lambert-Félix Prudent
Normes endogènes et plurilinguisme
Aires francophones, aires créoles

Anne-Marie Chabrolle-Cerretini
La vision du monde de Wilhelm von Humboldt
Histoire d'un concept linguistique

Stefan C. Orlandi, Eduardo Guimaraes
Un dialogue atlantique
Production des sciences du langage au Brésil
This volume uses 6 studies which chronicle linguistic work in Brazil from the second half of the 20th century. By means of different and complementary routes, it presents the decisive moments in language research from the moment when Brazil thought, focusing on generating knowledge about the Portuguese language, established contact with Europe.

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