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· Astérion. Philosophie, histoire des idées, pensée politique

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Hugues de Chanay, Yannick Chevalier, Laure Gardelle
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°113/2017
Écrire le genre
How to Write the Gender
Equal rights for men and women, regularly reaffirmed by the regulations and feminist demands, requires a political speech, involving a balanced gender representation. How concretely put into practice, in France, in the absence of strong institutional recommendations?

Émilie Devriendt, Michèle Monte, Marion Sandré
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°116/2018
Dire ou ne pas dire la « race » en France aujourd'hui
The R-word: talking/not talking about race in France today
The use of "race", which spans labelling and identification processes, is debated in France today, whether the term race is used or when the concept is activated. This dossier examines the derms of the debate and analyses how “race” is being talked about or not in some political or media discourses.

Valérie Bonnet, Béatrice Fracchiolla, Lilian Mathieu
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°123/2020
Mots. Les langages du politique n°123/2020
De la racine à l'extrémisme. Discours des radicalités politiques et sociales
From the root to extremism. Political and social radicality in speech
Starting from the definition of the discourse of political radicality as both a discourse of (de)legitimisation and a discourse of confrontation, the aim of this issue of the journal Mots is to define (de)radicalisation strategies. It also sets out to define the ways in which the discourse of political radicality is understood.

Paul Bacot, Valérie Bonnet, François Genton
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°124/2020
Chanter le collectif
Singing the collective
Among all the songs that celebrate and objectify the existence of a human collective, anthems occupy a prominent place, but not an exclusive one. This dossier deals with the conditions of their emergence, their linguistic and musical characteristics, their transformations and their multiple social uses.

Angeliki Koukoutsaki-Monnier, Annabelle Seoane, Nicolas Hubé, Pierre Leroux
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°125/ 2021
Discours de haine dans les réseaux socionumériques
Hate speech on social media

Chloé Gaboriaux, Camille Noûs
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°126/2021
Le travail et ses maux
Work and its evils
This dossier brings together contributions dealing with words at work. Coming from political science, sociology, anthropology or information and communication sciences, the authors examine the way in which the neo-managerial discourse is conveyed and imposed by private and public sector executives and the way in which employees respond to it.

Laura Calabrese, Chloé Gaboriaux, Marie Veniard
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°129/2022
Migration et crise : une co-occurrence encombrante
Migration and crisis: a cumbersome co-occurrence
This dossier focuses on the framing of migratory phenomena as a crisis, with a particular focus on what discourses of crisis do to reception. It brings together contributions from researchers from various disciplines, who investigate both the discursive constructions of the migration crisis and the crisis of discourses on migration.

Valérie Bonnet, Arnaud Mercier, Gilles Siouffi
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°130/2022
Circulation des discours dans les récits complotistes
Circulation of discourses in conspiracy narratives
This issue of Mots focuses on the interdiscursive and mimetic practices at work in the discourse of conspiracy. It aims to identify the linguistic points that crystallise this circulation and to develop and share an analysis toolbox.

Julien Auboussier, Milena Doytcheva, Aude Seurrat, Nicanor Tatchim
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°131/2023
La diversité en discours : contextes, formes et dispositifs
Diversity discourses: contexts, forms and systems
This dossier explores a critical approach to "diversity" in its discursive and linguistic dimensions. It debates the meaning of "diversity", the different conceptions it encompasses, its uses, specific variations, in connection with the actors' strategies and in a plurality of enunciation contexts.

Louis Autin, Virginie Hollard, Romain Meltz, Valérie Bonnet
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°132/2023
Les mots du vote de la Rome antique à la Révolution française
Words describing voting, from Ancient Rome to the French Revolution
The Romans had a rich vocabulary in Latin to describe the voting process. This issue examines how this vocabulary came to take on different meanings, depending on the historical and political contexts in which it was used, in the ancient period as well as in the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the Classical Age.

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