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Louis-Jean Boë, Coriandre Vilain

Robert Nicolaï
Signifier. Essai sur la mise en signification
Signifying. An essay on how meaning is ascribed
Parcours dans l'espace épistémique et dans l'espace communicationnel ordinaire
Trajectories in the areas of epistemology and ordinary communication

Jacky Simonin, Sylvie Wharton, Monica Heller
Sociolinguistique du contact
Dictionnaire des termes et concepts

Mathieu Aguilera, Alice Doublier, Stéphane Le Courant, Camille Paloque-Bergès, Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod
Tracés, n°42/2022
Sans contact
This volume dedicated to the "contactless worlds" aims to reflect upon the social uses and functions of proximity and distance, relationships with others and on the breakdown of these relationships in social and historical contexts.

Thomas Angeletti, Juliette Galonnier, Manon Him-Aquili
Tracés, n°43/2022
Instabilités sémantiques
Semantic instabilities
This issue of Tracés revisits the classic question of the social life of words and seeks to understand how the appearance of a term and its various potential meanings are socially produced and reproduced. it looks at the controversies surrounding the meaning of words and what they reveal about our societies and the functioning of language.

Carita Klippi
La vie du langage
La vie du langage
La linguistique dynamique en France de 1864 à 1916

Anne-Marie Chabrolle-Cerretini
La vision du monde de Wilhelm von Humboldt
Histoire d'un concept linguistique

Jean-Claude Anscombre, Amalia Rodriguez Somolinos, Sonia Gomez-Jordana Ferary

Claudia Schweitzer
La voix, souffle de l'émotion
The voice, breath of emotion
Parole et chant à l'Âge classique
Speech and song in the Classical Age
The human voice is a fascinating instrument. Through speech, singing and declamation, it transmits not only ideas, but also the emotions of the person who emits it. For a long time, its expressiveness has interested people, theorists as well as practitioners, and different paths have been taken to define and describe it.

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