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Jean-Claude Chevalier
Combats pour la linguistique, de Martinet à Kristeva
Essai de dramaturgie épistémologique

Abderrahim Saguer, Georges Bohas
Comment enseignait-on l'arabe à Tombouctou ?
Comment enseignait-on l'arabe à Tombouctou ?
VECMAS (Valorisation et édition critique des manuscrits arabes sub-sahariens)
VECMAS (Valorisation et édition critique des manuscrits arabes sub-sahariens)

Audrey Roig, Anne-Gaëlle Toutain, Armance Neveu
Concert mondial de linguistique française
Mondial concert of french linguistics
Mélanges offerts à Franck Neveu
In honour of Franck Neveu
This tribute volume to the French linguist Franck Neveu brings together contributions on the history and epistemology of linguistics, on French and comparative, synchronic and diachronic syntax and semantics, as well as on dialectology, text genetics, cognitive linguistics, text linguistics and enunciative linguistics.

Laure Sarda, Denis Vigier, Bernard Combettes
Connexion et indexation
Ces liens qui tissent le texte
This book brings together a range of scientific contributions whose aim is to offer an insight into various aspects of the research carried out in France in the past forty years around cohesion and coherence in texts.

Lorenza Mondada
Corps en interaction
Participation, spatialité, mobilité

Christine Develotte, Richard Kern, Marie-Noëlle Lamy
Décrire la conversation en ligne
Le face à face distanciel

Des Mots en liberté
Mélanges offerts à Maurice Tournier

Stefan C. Orlandi, Eduardo Guimaraes
Un dialogue atlantique
Production des sciences du langage au Brésil
This volume uses 6 studies which chronicle linguistic work in Brazil from the second half of the 20th century. By means of different and complementary routes, it presents the decisive moments in language research from the moment when Brazil thought, focusing on generating knowledge about the Portuguese language, established contact with Europe.

Christian Plantin
Dictionnaire de l'argumentation
Dictionary of Argumentation Terms
Une introduction aux études d'argumentation
An Introduction to Argumentation Studies
In the Dictionary, argumentation is presented simultaneously as a linguistic, social and critical activity, used both to explore and to justify issues arising in ordinary life, as well as theoretical and practical issues within specialised fields.

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