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Marie Gautheron, Claire Merleau-Ponty
Tohu Bohu

Julie Aybes, Bilel Bougamra, Edwin Fauthoux-Kresser
Collection Carnet de recherches "écriture et photographie"
Hors Collection

Élise Domenach
L'écran de nos pensées
Our Thoughts Viewed
Stanley Cavell, la philosophie et le cinéma
Stanley Cavell, Philosophy and Film
Tohu Bohu
This collective book is the first reference work about the philosophy of film of Stanley Cavell, American Harvard philosopher (1926-2018) who was the first to teach cinema in a university philosophy department (20 years before Deleuze).

Romain Benini
Filles du peuple ?
Songs of the people ?
Pour une stylistique de la chanson au XIXe siècle
Elements of history and stylistics for the study of 19th century French songs

Anne Jarrigeon
État de lieux
Hors Collection

Marie Gautheron, Isabelle Baudino

Nora Philippe, Charlotte Ribeyrol, Sandrine Alexandre
Tohu Bohu

Katia Schneller, Noura Wedell, Jean-Marie Gleize
This book has precedence and an audience in visual arts, critical studies, visual studies and esthetics but also draws on a variety of interdisciplinary texts and topics across the humanities, in literature, poetry and philosophy making it interesting to a wider audience.

Paul Arnould, David Gauthier, Yves-François Le Lay, Michel Salmeron, Gilles Clément, Olivier Faron
Hors Collection

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