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Brigitte Gaïti, Nicolas Mariot
Intellectuels empêchés
Hindered intellectuals
Ou comment penser dans l'épreuve
Thinking under duress
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps

Eleonore Lépinard, Oriane Sarrasin, Lavinia Gianettoni
Genre et islamophobie
Discriminations, préjugés et représentations en Europe
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps
Gender is a central feature in debates about Islam and Muslim immigrant's integration in European countries. By centering on the gendered dimensions of islamophobia, this edited volume contributes to document this phenomenon – its social processes and its dominant representations.

Edward Sapir, Francis Zimmermann
Bibliothèque idéale des sciences sociales
Edward Sapir is undoubtedly one of the most important anthropologists of the early 20th century. Long before the development of structural anthropology, Sapir formulated the philosophy of structuralism and laid the foundations of a general science of behaviour.

Nicolas Escach, Benoît Goffin
De la Baltique à la mer Noire
From the Baltic to the Black Sea
Saint-Pétersbourg - Narva - Riga - Daugavpils - Minsk - Kiev - Odessa - Sébastopol - Sotchi - Tbilissi
Odyssée, villes-portraits

Nicolas Escach, Benoît Goffin
Dublin, Belfast, Liverpool, Cardiff, Saint-Malo, Fougères, Nantes, Bordeaux, Bayonne, Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle
Odyssée, villes-portraits

Maria Díez Yáñez, Carlos Heusch
Cahiers d'études hispaniques médiévales, n°43/2020
Politia. La construction du discours politique au Moyen Âge et à la Renaissance

Jean-Claude Zancarini, Romain Descendre
La France d'Antonio Gramsci
Antonio Gramsci's France
Gouvernement en question(s)
This book highlights the role of French history, politics, and culture in the formation and reflection of Gramsci. Gramsci's texts are philology, textual criticism, and philosophical analysis. There are no studies on this topic (except for a 1998 book).

Emilie Roxane de Flore, Sonia Guelton
Métropoles, n°27/2020
Les enjeux fonciers vus d'en bas. Quand les mobilisations des propriétaires fonciers se font citoyennes
This issue deals with land properties and analyses the land ownership power on the construction of the City.

Annabelle Allouch, Camille Noûs, Nicolas Rabain, Christelle Rabier, Clémentine Vidal-Naquet
Tracés, n°38/2020
While anxiety as a category is abundantly mobilized to designate a bodily sensation of malaise peculiar to the individual, this issue of Traces proposes to examine anxiety as a regime of experience in the face of uncertainty, using the tools no longer of psychoanalysis but of the human and social sciences.

Jean-Louis Fournel, Corinne Lucas Fiorato
Laboratoire italien. Politique et société, n°25/2020
Mots et gestes dans l'Italie de la Renaissance
Words and gestures in Early Modern Italy
This issue explores a little-studied aspect of works about the body: the interactions between the two semiotic systems of verbal language and gesture, an aspect of body language. In their interferences, from the 16th century onwards, a profound transformation of the social and individual functions of the "visibile parlare" took place

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