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Amina Damerdji, Anthony Pecqueux, Matthieu Renault
Tracés, n°40/2021
Matières vivantes
Living Matter
This issue of Tracés seeks to promote scientific approaches in the social sciences that aim to rematerialize their objects, to give life to matter, which is all too often considered inert, and to re-examine the relationships between human and non-human worlds, beyond dichotomies.

Ophélie Rillon, Michelle Zancarini-Fournel
Le genre de la lutte
Gender of struggle
Une autre histoire du Mali contemporain (1956-1991)
Another history of contemporary Mali (1956-1991)
Perspectives genre
the book offers a novel analysis of the gendered dynamics that permeate the forms of collective action and the way in which commitment contributes to changing gender relations in contemporary Mali. From decolonisation in 1960 to 1991 revolution, four decades of social and political struggles have shaped the country's highly non-consensual history.

Laura Marzi
Raconter le care ?
Telling care stories?
À propos de L'homme ralenti de John M. Coetzee
About John M. Coetzee's novel "Slow Man"
Perspectives du care

This issue is composed of varia articles and book reviews.

Stéphanie Roza, Myriam-Isabelle Ducrocq
Astérion, n°24/2021
Échos de La Marseillaise : l'héritage des Lumières et de la Révolution française dans les constructions nationales aux XIXe et XXe siècles
Echoes of the Marseillaise: The Enlightenment and the French Revolution Legacy in National Constructions in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Taking into account the uniqueness of the French Revolution that imposed a new vision of the world and of society in the eyes of its admirers and detractors alike, this volume deals with the considerable impact it had in Europe and on the world from 1789 to the 20th century.

Cina Guèye
Migration chinoise et compétitions urbaines à Dakar
Chinese migration and urban competitions in Dakar
De l'Orient à l'Occident
This book focuses on the competition in the urban space of Dakar, between different categories of actors in a situation of co-presence: groups of deterritorialized Chinese evolving in the commercial activity, and young promoters of economic activities with little legitimacy; shoemakers and street traders.

Ludovic Halbert, Gilles Pinson, Valérie Sala Pala
Métropoles, n°28/2021
Contester la Métropole
Contesting the metropolis
In recent years, metropolises have been increasingly contested by social movements that politicize metropolitanisation. This special issue brings together analyses of various forms of contestation to which metropolises are subjected to.

Laurence Roulleau Berger, Liu Yuzhao
De l'Orient à l'Occident
How to build a Post-Western theory, based on the sociology of migration in France and in China? Where do Western and Non-Western theories converge, and how do common and situated knowledge coexist and interlock? This book is Based on French and Chinese research experiences in the field of migration.

Delphine Moraldo, Bernard Lahire
L'esprit de l'alpinisme
The spirit of mountaineering
Une sociologie de l'excellence, du XIXe siècle au XXIe siècle
A sociology of excellence, from the 19th to the 21st century
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps
This work, both a historical and sociological survey drawn from a doctoral thesis in sociology, shows how a form of excellence developed in mountaineering as a particular field of practice. the object of this investigation is to reveal how the ideologies of the English bourgeoisie who gave birth to it live on in the spirit of mountaineering.

Tracés, Camille Noûs
Tracés, n°39/2020
Documenter l'université qui lutte
Documenting the struggling university
2020 was a special year in many ways: Covid-19, but also the strong mobilization against the Research Programming Law in France. It was important for us to make a mobilized issue that would report on what happened during this unusual year.

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