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Christine Ithurbide
Mumbai hors cadre
Mumbai out-of-frame
Une géographie de l'art contemporain en Inde
A geography of contemporary art in India
De l'Orient à l'Occident
This book proposes to uncover the geography of contemporary art of one of the largest metropolises of Asia Bombay/Mumbai. Through the study of the territorial transformations linked to the processes of globalization, it sheds light on the intimate relationship between the artistic district and a vast network of less visible workers.

Marc André
Une prison pour mémoire
Montluc, de 1944 à nos jours
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps
When it was liberated in 1944, the prison of Montluc became a crucible of distinct experiences : site of memory, place of detention, and place of repression for anticolonialist militants. Transformed into an echo chamber, it fostered numerous instances of solidarity. Discovering them helps alleviate the memorial conflicts.

Marie Fabre, Corinne Manchio, Béatrice Manetti, Francesca Irene Sensini
Laboratoire italien. Politique et société, n°28/2022
"Un roman de formation collectif". Les revues féministes en Italie des années 1970 à nos jours
"A collective Bildungsroman". Feminist magazines in Italy from the 1970s to the present day
This issue of Laboratoire italien follows a previous one devoted to Voices and Paths of Feminism in Women's Magazines (1870-1970). It provides an initial appraisal of Italian feminist magazines from the 1970s to the digital turn of the new millennium and the transnational dimension of contemporary feminisms.

Annabelle Allouch, Diégo Antolinos-Basso, Florian Besson, Natalia La Valle, Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod
Tracés, Hors-série 2021
Les sciences humaines et sociales au travail (III): Réseaux socionumériques et travail de la recherche
Social sciences and humanities at work (III): Digital networks and the work of research
For the last fifteen years, the development of digital social networks (DSN) and their uses have changed the public space as well as professional, personal and militant practices. What effect has this had on scientific production and on the professional identity of its creators? What do DSN say about the evolution of scientific professions?

Valérie Sala Pala

Agathe Bernier-Monod
Les fondateurs
Reconstruire la République après le nazisme
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps
How to reestablish democracy after nazism? Where to begin with in a destroyed, occupied and divided country? On which experience rely? In 1945, a handful of trained politicians, both men and women, who had survived war and persecution, initiated the rebuilding of institutions.

Pierre Janin, Natalia La Valle, Anne Lhuissier, Thomas Ribémont
Tracés, n°41/2021
Batailles de la faim
Battles of hunger
Hunger is a constructed phenomenon, inherent to human societies, whatever the level of available resources, political regimes, or governance. here highlight the lived experiences, practices and standards. With this Tracés issue, we hope to provide knowledge and insights that will contribute to making hunger a public problem and food a common good.

Marie Morelle, Frédéric Le Marcis
L'Afrique en prisons
Africa in prisons
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps
the French-speaking social sciences have remained singularly silent on prison issues in Africa. This volume aims to fill this gap based on ethnographic research conducted in ten countries of the continent. Breaking with the archetypal images, this book offers a nuanced reading of the prison experience articulated to representations of justice.

Amina Damerdji, Anthony Pecqueux, Matthieu Renault
Tracés, n°40/2021
Matières vivantes
Living Matter
This issue of Tracés seeks to promote scientific approaches in the social sciences that aim to rematerialize their objects, to give life to matter, which is all too often considered inert, and to re-examine the relationships between human and non-human worlds, beyond dichotomies.

Ophélie Rillon, Michelle Zancarini-Fournel
Le genre de la lutte
Gender of struggle
Une autre histoire du Mali contemporain (1956-1991)
Another history of contemporary Mali (1956-1991)
Perspectives genre
the book offers a novel analysis of the gendered dynamics that permeate the forms of collective action and the way in which commitment contributes to changing gender relations in contemporary Mali. From decolonisation in 1960 to 1991 revolution, four decades of social and political struggles have shaped the country's highly non-consensual history.

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