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Alice Carette, Irene Salvo Garcia
Atalaya, n°17/2017
1) Alfonso de Palencia, travaux en cours et perspectives 2) Dossier SEYMR : La General estoria d'Alphonse X: canon littéraire et changement linguistique
1) Alfonso de Palencia, works in progress and prospects 2) SEYMR Files : Alfonso X's General Estoria : literary canon and linguistic change
1)The work of the humanist Alfonso de Palencia, recognized by the Hispanic medievalists for its historical and cultural value. It has been the subject of a new research dynamic for several years. 2)The "Dossier de la SEMYR" gathers nine articles propose a common approach of the language and the textual features of the universal history.

Valérie Raby
Les théories de l'énoncé dans la grammaire générale
Theories of the Utterance in French General Grammar
This book, which inscribes itself in the field of the history and epistemology of the language sciences, examines how the utterance has come to be regarded as a relevant level of analysis in the course of the history of linguistic theories.

Michelle Auzanneau, Luca Greco
Dessiner les frontières
Drawing borders

Anne-Christel Zeiter, Thérèse Jeanneret
Dans la langue de l'autre
In the other's language
Se construire en couple mixte plurilingue

Anamaria Curea
Entre expression et expressivité : l'école linguistique de Genève de 1900 à 1940
The Linguistic School of Geneva from 1900 to 1940 : Between expression and expressivity
Charles Bally, Albert Sechehaye, Henri Frei
This conceptual reconstruction work inscribes itself in the history of linguistics, or, more precisely, in the history of the Geneva School of general linguistics. It brings new light on the identity of this school through the comparative study of the theories developed by Charles Bally, Albert Sechehaye and Henri Frei between 1900 and 1940.

Lire le compte rendu de l'ouvrage par Bauvarie Mounga Ndounkeu publié dans Lectures [En ligne], Les comptes rendus, 2015, mis en ligne le 21 décembre 2015 ou téléchargez ce compte rendu (PDF).

Le discours de la linguistique
Linguistic Discourse
Gestes et imaginaires du savoir
Gestures and Imaginaries of Knowledge
The book presents a novel approach to the field of linguistics, which is here envisioned as a discursive practice. Through analyses of specific case studies, it sheds light on the gestures and imaginaries that underpin the enunciation of knowledge.

Dominique Desmarchelier, David Douyère, Bochra Kammarti, Marie-Claire Willems, Dilek Yankaya
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°135/2024
Nommer le religieux
Naming the religious
Self- and hetero-denomination are embedded in social interactions and carry political, legal, cultural and social conflicts. Through five case studies addressing the question in different religions, this special issue examines the social logics behind the scholarly and non-scientific patterns of religious naming processes.

Sylvie Plane, Catherine Brissaud
Repères, n°69/2024
À quoi servent les évaluations institutionnelles ?
What are institutional assessments used for?
This issue offers critical analyses that examine how institutional assessments, which have sometimes-intertwined certifying, selective and/or informative functions, influence teachers' practices and teaching choices and, as such, are used for the political management of teaching.

Valérie Bonnet, Emmanuel Marty, Cécile Robert
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°134/2024
Mécaniques de la dépolitisation
Mechanics of depoliticisation
This issue sets out to explore the various discursive mechanisms of depoliticisation, including the disqualification of a political approach to the issues and subjects at stake, the narrowing of the space for democratic debate, and the invisibilisation of politics through the gradual imposition of supposedly apolitical rationalities.

Chloé Gaboriaux, Cédric Passard, Annabelle Seoane
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°133/2023
La République au-delà du slogan
Invoking "the Republic", calling oneself a "Republican"... Does the term Republic still have any meaning? The texts in this issue show that the polysemy of the word is less a reflection of the evanescence of its meaning than of a polymorphous debate on the definition of citizenship in a world marked by deepening individualism.

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