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Audrey Roig, Anne-Gaëlle Toutain, Armance Neveu
Concert mondial de linguistique française
Mondial concert of french linguistics
Mélanges offerts à Franck Neveu
In honour of Franck Neveu
This tribute volume to the French linguist Franck Neveu brings together contributions on the history and epistemology of linguistics, on French and comparative, synchronic and diachronic syntax and semantics, as well as on dialectology, text genetics, cognitive linguistics, text linguistics and enunciative linguistics.

Julien Auboussier, Milena Doytcheva, Aude Seurrat, Nicanor Tatchim
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°131/2023
La diversité en discours : contextes, formes et dispositifs
Diversity discourses: contexts, forms and systems
This dossier explores a critical approach to "diversity" in its discursive and linguistic dimensions. It debates the meaning of "diversity", the different conceptions it encompasses, its uses, specific variations, in connection with the actors' strategies and in a plurality of enunciation contexts.

Nolwenn Lorenzi Bailly, Claudine Moïse
Discours de haine et de radicalisation
Hate Speech and Radicalisation
Les notions clés
Key concepts
Identifying discursive features of hate speech is a complex process and digital practices could affect them. On the one hand, it is relatively easy to analyse what we have called "discours de haine directe" depending on three concomitant conditions, pathemic discursive dimension, negation of otherness and condemnation speech acts

Christine Boutevin, Marie-Sylvie Claude
Repères, n°66/2022-2
Commentaire, commentaires
Literary commentary, litterary commentaries
This dossier examines text commentary, defined either in a broad sense as a kind of metatextual discourse, which brings together different forms of writing about reading, or as a specifically standardised examination test, in different contexts. It considers what kind of reader these various exercises are likely to create.

Mathieu Aguilera, Alice Doublier, Stéphane Le Courant, Camille Paloque-Bergès, Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod
Tracés, n°42/2022
Sans contact
This volume dedicated to the "contactless worlds" aims to reflect upon the social uses and functions of proximity and distance, relationships with others and on the breakdown of these relationships in social and historical contexts.

Valérie Bonnet, Arnaud Mercier, Gilles Siouffi
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°130/2022
Circulation des discours dans les récits complotistes
Circulation of discourses in conspiracy narratives
This issue of Mots focuses on the interdiscursive and mimetic practices at work in the discourse of conspiracy. It aims to identify the linguistic points that crystallise this circulation and to develop and share an analysis toolbox.

Claudia Schweitzer
La voix, souffle de l'émotion
The voice, breath of emotion
Parole et chant à l'Âge classique
Speech and song in the Classical Age
The human voice is a fascinating instrument. Through speech, singing and declamation, it transmits not only ideas, but also the emotions of the person who emits it. For a long time, its expressiveness has interested people, theorists as well as practitioners, and different paths have been taken to define and describe it.

Laura Calabrese, Chloé Gaboriaux, Marie Veniard
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°129/2022
Migration et crise : une co-occurrence encombrante
Migration and crisis: a cumbersome co-occurrence
This dossier focuses on the framing of migratory phenomena as a crisis, with a particular focus on what discourses of crisis do to reception. It brings together contributions from researchers from various disciplines, who investigate both the discursive constructions of the migration crisis and the crisis of discourses on migration.

Chloé Gaboriaux, Rachele Raus, Cécile Robert, Stefano Vicari
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°128/2022
Le multilinguisme dans les organisations internationales
Multilingualism in international organisations
The choice of multilingualism in international organisations involves constant - and costly - translation and interpreting work, the political repercussions of which are still too often underestimated. This dossier aims to shed light on the political repercussions of this work, from a multidisciplinary perspective.

Nick Riemer
L'emprise de la grammaire
Propositions épistémologiques pour une linguistique mineure

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