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Future Releases

Marlène Bouvet, Florent Chossière, Marine Duc, Estelle Fisson, Nonna Mayer
The social construction of differences
Lexique de la construction sociale des différences
A lexicon of categorizations
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps
Groups and individuals often dislike being "placed into a box". But how to approach these processes with the tools of contemporary social sciences? This lexicon proposes a toolbox of categorization processes in 48 shows the way researchers in social sciences and humanities make use of these concepts, with current illustrations of them.

Jacques-Louis Lantoine, Camille Chevalier
La servitude volontaire
Voluntary Servitude
Postérité, réappropriations et perspectives critiques
Posterity, Reappropriations and Critical Perspectives
La croisée des chemins
The formula « voluntary servitude » is mobilized without being necessarily referred to La Boétie's Discourse. The paradoxical and enigmatic aspect of the expression seduces. This book provides a critical analysis of it and proposes avatars that are more suitable to explain the phenomenon it indicates.

Marion Demonteil
Inspecter la culture
Inspecting Culture
Une sociologie de l'écriture administrative
Sociology of Administrative Writing
Gouvernement en question(s)
Centering its analysis on the inspection report, this book vividly illustrates the how inspectorates have become independent institutions. By looking at those who are responsible for writing, commissioning, and receiving these reports, the book sheds light not only on the writing practices but also on the intricate dynamics surrounding them.

Le discours de la linguistique
Linguistic Discourse
Gestes et imaginaires du savoir
Gestures and Imaginaries of Knowledge
The book presents a novel approach to the field of linguistics, which is here envisioned as a discursive practice. Through analyses of specific case studies, it sheds light on the gestures and imaginaries that underpin the enunciation of knowledge.

Valérie Bonnet, Emmanuel Marty, Cécile Robert
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°134/2024
Mécaniques de la dépolitisation
Mechanics of depoliticisation
This issue sets out to explore the various discursive mechanisms of depoliticisation, including the disqualification of a political approach to the issues and subjects at stake, the narrowing of the space for democratic debate, and the invisibilisation of politics through the gradual imposition of supposedly apolitical rationalities.