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Journal : Métropoles
• ISSN : 1957778
• 2 issues per year
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Élise Roche

Vincent Chabault, Emmanuelle Lallement
Métropoles, n°33/2023
La ville marchande en temps de pandémie
The commercial city (« ville marchande ») in the time of pandemic
This issue, initiated just a few months after the French government's announcement of new restrictive measures (April 2021), proposes to examine the destabilization and redevelopment caused by the pandemic is in the retail sector, and to study its temporary or lasting consequences on urban space.

Vincent Béal, Élise Roche

Anne Clerval, Mathieu Van Criekingen
Métropoles, n°31/2022
Politiques de gentrification
Gentrification policies

Valérie Sala Pala

This issue is composed of varia articles and book reviews.

Ludovic Halbert, Gilles Pinson, Valérie Sala Pala
Métropoles, n°28/2021
Contester la Métropole
Contesting the metropolis
In recent years, metropolises have been increasingly contested by social movements that politicize metropolitanisation. This special issue brings together analyses of various forms of contestation to which metropolises are subjected to.

Emilie Roxane de Flore, Sonia Guelton
Métropoles, n°27/2020
Les enjeux fonciers vus d'en bas. Quand les mobilisations des propriétaires fonciers se font citoyennes
This issue deals with land properties and analyses the land ownership power on the construction of the City.

Mathieu Van Criekingen

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