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Journal : Repères - Recherches en didactique du français

Repères publishes ongoing research into the didactics of French as a mother tongue or of neighbouring fields, such as didactics of other disciplines, other first languages or foreign languages, linguistics, psycho- and social linguistics, education sciences, etc. Repères is an international journal published in French (with summaries in English, German and Spanish), but is also open to foreign contributions in the French language. Its international editorial and review boards include the best experts in the field.  Rated as a reference journal, it is the only international French-language journal with this profile. It is aimed at researchers and will also be of interest to teacher trainers and advanced students.

• ISSN : 2826097x
• 2 issues per year
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Sylvie Plane, Catherine Brissaud
Repères, n°69/2024
À quoi servent les évaluations institutionnelles ?
What are institutional assessments used for?
This issue offers critical analyses that examine how institutional assessments, which have sometimes-intertwined certifying, selective and/or informative functions, influence teachers' practices and teaching choices and, as such, are used for the political management of teaching.

Ana Dias-Chiaruttini, Joaquim Dolz
Repères, n°68/2023-2
Nouveaux objets et nouveaux contextes d'enseignement de l'oral
New objects and new contexts in the teaching of oral language
Where do we stand with the teaching of oral language? This issue of Repères, devoted to new objects and new contexts in the teaching of oral language, aims to take stock of the progress made in this area, across countries, and through design research and the analysis of teaching practices.

Marthe Fradet-Hannoyer, Marie-France Bishop
Repères, n°67/2023-1
Quelles mutations dans le champ de la didactique du français, à l'école primaire ?
What changes are taking place in the teaching of the French language in primary schools?
This dossier examines how the teaching of French deals with the question of changes in education. Work in this area which observes and analyses these changes lies at the center of this discussion, which is as much about learning and teaching issues as those of training.

Christine Boutevin, Marie-Sylvie Claude
Repères, n°66/2022-2
Commentaire, commentaires
Literary commentary, litterary commentaries
This dossier examines text commentary, defined either in a broad sense as a kind of metatextual discourse, which brings together different forms of writing about reading, or as a specifically standardised examination test, in different contexts. It considers what kind of reader these various exercises are likely to create.

Marie-Claude Penloup, Bernadette Kervyn, Véronique Miguel Addisu
Repères, n°65/2022
Élèves plurilingues en classes ordinaires : outils et questions pour la didactique du français
Multilingual students in mainstream classes: tools and issues for the teaching of the French language
This issue focuses on the teaching of the French Language, the teaching of languages and sociolinguistics. It brings together current research on multilingualism in so-called monolingual classes, classroom practices and related training. The implications for inclusion and effective teaching are huge.

Anissa Belhadjin, Marie-France Bishop
Repères, n°64/2021
Lire des œuvres en extraits, quels enjeux pour l'enseignement de la littérature ?
Reading works of literature in the form of extracts, what are the implications for literature teaching?
Based on the observation that extracts have implications for the teaching of literature and the selection of works for study in schools, this dossier seeks to ascertain the relationships which are established between a work and extracts from it. These different articles, we discover how extracts reveal the challenges involved in teaching literature

Sylvie Plane, Fanny Rinck
Repères, n°63/2021
La place de la vulgarisation dans la culture professionnelle des enseignants
Popularisation in the professional culture of teachers
This issue of Repères focuses on popularisation and its dissemination in a context where the teaching and learning of French is the subject of heterogeneous discourses. The question of popularisation is approached in terms of transmission, interpretation and appropriation, and through its role as an instrument of the professional culture of teacher

Magali Brunel, Jean-Louis Dufays
Repères, n°62/2020
La progression dans la lecture des textes littéraires
The progression in teaching and learning to read literary texts
The nine contributions gathered here focus on the progression of teaching and learning to read literary texts by questioning the methodological choices relating to this object of study and reporting new research results. Particular attention is paid to the comparative, and even international, approach to effective classroom practices.

Anne Sardier, Marie-Noëlle Roubaud
Repères, n°61/2020
Construire la compétence lexicale : quelles avancées vers le réemploi aujourd'hui ?
Build the lexical competence: what progress towards re-employment today?
Repères 61, "Building lexical competence. What progress towards re-use today?", presents articles which question the teaching-learning of the lexicon, from nursery school to university, in first, second or foreign language, in view of the fundamental question of re-use for the didactics of lexicon.

Caroline Viriot-Goeldel, Catherine Brissaud
Repères, n°60/2019
Enseigner et apprendre l'orthographe aujourd'hui
Teaching and learning spelling
This issue of the journal Repères presents ten articles dealing with spelling teaching practices in primary school and middle school and their effects on students' performances. They illustrate the current transformations of these practices and what they require in terms of teacher professional development.

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