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Journal : Revue française de pédagogie - Recherches en éducation

Founded in 1967, the Revue Française de Pédagogie represents a leading location for scientific discussion and publication of education research in the French-speaking world. It addresses issues with a broad perspective that is open to diverse approaches and to contributions from multiple disciplines, including psychology, sociology, philosophy, history, and education. Generally grouped into themed collections, the papers provide access to the most recent contributions to education research. Each issue also includes an executive summary, which presents and critiques gains, changes, and topical issues in research on a given area, broadening horizons on a national and international level. Finally, the column "Critical Reviews" provides readers information and reflection on the most important recent publications.

• 4 issues per year
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Jean-Yves Rochex, Sylvain Doussot
Revue française de pédagogie, n°200/2017
Recherche, politique et pratiques en éducation : services rendus et questions posées d'un univers à l'autre
Educational research, policy and practice: services provided and questions posed between the different spheres
For its 200th issue, the Revue française de pédagogie, decided to take a fresh look at one the fundamental questions which have defined it since it was first published in 1967: the relationship between academic research, politics, administration and professional practice in education.

Clémence Cardon-Quint, Renaud (d') Enfert
Revue française de pédagogie, n°199/2017
L'histoire des disciplines : un champ de recherche en mutation
The history of disciplines: the reconfiguration of a research field
Thirty years after André Chervel's innovative article on the history of school subjects, this special issue aims to put into perspective the recent changes and trends in this field of research, which is now characterised by a growing interest in actors, i.e. those who "produce" the disciplines.

Fabienne Maillard
Revue française de pédagogie, n°198/2017
Regards croisés sur le baccalauréat professionnel
Diverse views on the vocational baccalaureate
Created in 1985, the vocational baccalaureate had to meet both the needs of companies and to reassert the worth of the vocational path. Now, the vocational baccalaureate is obtained by 3 out of 10 holders of the baccalaureate. Did it, in fact, change its image, status and public ?

Isabelle Capron Puozzo
Revue française de pédagogie, n°197/2016
Les multiples facettes de la créativité dans l'apprentissage
The different facets of creativity in learning
Creativity in education is a topical issue that helps apply innovative teaching approaches while also developing the creative potential of pupils in the learning process. This issue presents several facets of creativity while contextualising the theoretical scope of training or teaching practices.

Roland Goigoux
Revue française de pédagogie, n°196/2016
Apprendre à lire et à écrire au cours préparatoire : enseignements d'une recherche collective
Learning to read and write in first grade: The lessons of a collective research project
Roland Goigoux directed a large-scale research to study the influence of teaching practices in reading and writing on the quality of learning in the first year of primary school. 2,500 students in 131 classrooms participated in the study. In addition to the final report published online, five original contributions are presented in this issue.

Siegfried Hanhart, Isabel Voirol-Rubido
Revue française de pédagogie, n°192/2015
Face aux mutations des marchés de l'emploi, quelles politiques de formation ?
The Evolution of Labor Markets and its Impact on Training Policies
This issue of the Revue française de pédagogie features an updated approach to the relationship between training and employment, taking a macroeconomic perspective. French-speaking researchers address various aspects of the relationship between training policies and employment policies.

Georges Felouzis, Barbara Fouquet-Chauprade
Revue française de pédagogie, n°191/2015
Les descendants d'immigrés à l'école : destins scolaires et origines des inégalités
Children of immigrants at school: academic futures and roots of inequality

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