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Cécile (de) Hosson, Christian Orange
RDST, n°20/2019
Les résultats des recherches en didactique des sciences et des technologies : quelle validité et à quelles conditions ?
Research results in science and technology didactics: which validity and under which conditions?

Joël Bisault, Yann Lhoste
RDST, n°22/2020
Les sciences et les technologies pour les élèves de 2 à 6 ans
Science and technology education for 2 to 6 year olds
Research on the scientific and technological education of very young pupils has been developing significantly in recent years in France and in other countries. However, this research is still limited compared to that on older pupils. The articles provide some answers in these three directions, and also point to questions that are still open;

Laurence Maurines, Patricia Marzin-Janvier
RDST, n°24/2021
L'enseignement et l'apprentissage des sciences et des technologies dans l'enseignement supérieur
Teaching and learning science and technologies in higher education
When teaching science in higher education is facing important challenges and is undergoing profound changes, and when it is the focus of questioning by both practitioners and educational researchers, this issue returns to an order of education in which didactics has been interested since its emergence.