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Search results for "cultures" 1 to 5 of 5

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Benoît Goffin, Boris Grésillon
Strasbourg, Berlin, Hambourg, Cologne, Majorque, Francfort-sur-Main, Tübingen, Munich, Dresde, Francfort-sur-l'Oder
Odyssée, villes-portraits

Laurence Cossu- Beaumont, Jean-Yves Mollier
Deux agents littéraires dans le siècle américain
Two Literary Agents in the American Century
William et Jenny Bradley, passeurs culturels transatlantiques
William and Jenny Bradley, Transatlantic Cultural Passeurs
Métamorphoses du livre
William and Jenny Bradley were the first professional literary agents in France and became the key players in literary exchanges between France and the United States. This study, rooted in previously unexplored archival material, recounts the lesser-known story of a French-American couple.

Xavier Tabet, Marco Fincardi

Stéphane Bonnery
Revue française de pédagogie, n°185/2013
L'enseignement de la musique, entre institution scolaire et conservatoires
Music education, in schools and in music academies. Mutual perspective of the Sociology of Education and Culture.
This edition explores new curricular forms of music education in schools and in music academies. The four articles are based on different research areas. It offers a panorama of the research conducted on the subject of thhe sociology of education and the sociology ofthe culture.

Arnaud Bernadet, Philippe Payen de la Garanderie
cultures, poétiques, anthropologie
cultures, poetics, anthropology
This collective book deals with literary translation, be it the very experience of translating or its theory. "Literature" is considered here as a critical expression of artistic worth and a specific view on languages, both of which reveal not only the formal but also the cultural and political stakes of translation.