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Laurine Thizy, Justine Vincent, Sinem Gunes, Irem Nihan Balci, Christine Détrez
Les usages sociaux de l'argument biologique en santé
Social uses of the biological argument in health
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps
This book, is based on ethnographic field studies deals with the phenomena of "biologization" in the field of health, i.e. with all situations where biological causality prevails in the explanation of human health, to the detriment of other interpretations. To what ends, and with what effects?

Mathieu Aguilera, Alice Doublier, Stéphane Le Courant, Camille Paloque-Bergès, Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod
Tracés, n°42/2022
Sans contact
This volume dedicated to the "contactless worlds" aims to reflect upon the social uses and functions of proximity and distance, relationships with others and on the breakdown of these relationships in social and historical contexts.

Pascale Molinier
Le care monde
The world of care
Trois essais de psychologie morale
Three essays in moral psychology
Perspectives du care
Why care work is so particularly fertile for moral questions? What can social psychology bring to reflection in ethics? In what way moral philosophy can renew the listening of psychologists? Can they change the way they understand the preoccupations of the ordinary world?

Éliane Rothier-Bautzer
Recherche et formation, n°76/2014
Care and Health professions
Care et professions de santé
This issue shows how health professions, and more exactly the nursing profession, is a paradigmatic example of difficulties to identify the role played by care in connection with the curative or technical work, on the boundaries of the health, educational and social activities.