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Sergio Sismondo, Mathias Girel
Le management fantôme de la médecine
Ghost-Managed Medicine
Les mains invisibles de Big Pharma
Big Pharma's Invisible Hands
Gouvernement en question(s)
Sismondo describes what happens within the chain from the design of the clinical trial to the diffusion of drug results, and highlights what he calls "ghost-management", which allows for a high degree of control of drug science by the pharmaceutical industry to influence doctors' prescriptions.

Marion Morellato, Mario Vaudano
Pétrole et corruption
Oil and bribery
Le dossier Mi.Fo.Biali dans les relations italo-libyennes (1969-1979
The importance of Mi.Fo.Biali Case in the relations between Italy and Libya (1969-1979)
Gouvernement en question(s)
When colonel Gadhafi came to power in Libya in 1969 he appeared to be aggressive but open to illegal trafficking with Italy and he offered weapons against oil. He thus helped to build a corrupted system in Italy. This book aims at understanding this system, relying on different sort of sources particularly an original source, Mi.Fo.Biali Case,