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Search results for "Administration" 1 to 4 of 4

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Michael Stolleis, Christian Roques, Marie-Ange Roy
Le droit à l'ombre de la croix gammée
Études sur l'histoire du droit du national-socialisme
La croisée des chemins

Sarah Mazouz
La République et ses autres
The Republic and Her Others
Politiques de l'altérité dans la France des années 2000
French Politics of Alterity Since 2000
Gouvernement en question(s)

Léa Palet, Jean-Gabriel Contamin, Tristan Haute, Igor Martinache, Stéphan Mierzejewski
Revue française de pédagogie, n°221/2023
Retour sur les (dés)engagements enseignants
Focus on teachers' (dis)engagements
From a socio-historical perspective, this issue proposes to analyse from different angles the changing relationship between teachers and their profession in the light of the social and institutional transformations they are facing. It looks at the notion of teacher engagement or disengagement, distinguishing between the different dimension involved

Marion Demonteil
Inspecter la culture
Inspecting Culture
Une sociologie de l'écriture administrative
Sociology of Administrative Writing
Gouvernement en question(s)
Centering its analysis on the inspection report, this book vividly illustrates the how inspectorates have become independent institutions. By looking at those who are responsible for writing, commissioning, and receiving these reports, the book sheds light not only on the writing practices but also on the intricate dynamics surrounding them.