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Tracés, hors-série 2022

Tracés, hors-série 2022

L'interdisciplinarité « en effet » : sciences sociales, sciences naturelles

Edited by Anthony Pecqueux, Perrine Poupin, Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod


Interdisciplinarity "in effect": Social sciences, natural sciences

This special issue of the journal Tracés focuses on interdisciplinary practices across the social sciences and natural sciences. Using articles on the topic of ecological problems written mainly by researchers in social sciences, we sought to reflect on ways of practising interdisciplinarity across disciplines whose research objects, methods, epistemologies and theoretical references seem to differ significantly. It is not a question here of proposing a "discourse on method" on interdisciplinarity between social sciences and natural sciences, but rather a test to reveal its heuristic contributions as well as the misunderstandings that it can cause.

Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod
lien IdRef : 236213717

Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod
La naissance de l'anti-hégélianisme
The Birth of Anti-Hegelianism
Louis Althusser et Michel Foucault, lecteurs de Hegel
Louis Althusser and Michel Foucault, readers of Hegel
La croisée des chemins
Against a simplistic view of Louis Althusser's and Michel Foucault’s anti-Hegelianism during the 1960s, the book goes through the early works of these philosophers to shed a light on the importance of Hegel for the elaboration of their problematic. the book aims to explain how they elaborated their thought by an immanent critique of Hegelianism.


Rémi Hadad, Igor Krtolica, Aurélia Michel, Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod
Tracés, n°45/2023-2
« L'origine des inégalités » : résurgences et réappropriations d'un grand récit

Mathieu Aguilera, Alice Doublier, Stéphane Le Courant, Camille Paloque-Bergès, Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod
Tracés, n°42/2022
Sans contact
This volume dedicated to the "contactless worlds" aims to reflect upon the social uses and functions of proximity and distance, relationships with others and on the breakdown of these relationships in social and historical contexts.

Annabelle Allouch, Diégo Antolinos-Basso, Florian Besson, Natalia La Valle, Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod
Tracés, Hors-série 2021
Les sciences humaines et sociales au travail (III): Réseaux socionumériques et travail de la recherche
Social sciences and humanities at work (III): Digital networks and the work of research
For the last fifteen years, the development of digital social networks (DSN) and their uses have changed the public space as well as professional, personal and militant practices. What effect has this had on scientific production and on the professional identity of its creators? What do DSN say about the evolution of scientific professions?

Jacques Martin, Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod, Étienne Balibar
L'individu chez Hegel
Hegel's Philosophy of the Individual
La croisée des chemins