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Atalaya, n°16/2016

1) Frontière et minorités religieuses dans la péninsule Ibérique à la fin du Moyen Âge 2) Gloses et interprètes de l'humanisme latin et vernaculaire

Edited by Olivier Brisville-Fertin, Georgina Olivetto, Juan Miguel Valero Moreno

Atalaya. Revue d'études médiévales romanes

1) Frontier and religious minorities in medieval Iberia 2) Glosses and interpreters of the Latin and romance humanism

This issue includes two special dossiers. The first one is a reflexion about the situations and the evolutions of the Border between Islam and Christendom, as unstable geopolitical reality or ideological and discursive construction. This reflexion leads to study the processes linked to the configuration of internal borders with the de facto constitution of multireligious societies. This dossier approaches in a multidisciplinary way this theme, in particular the subjects touching the Muslim community under Christian domination. The political, cultural, religious, linguistic, textual and discursive borders are so treated. The contributions put forward the mechanisms of visualisation, construction and bricolage of the Border which often turn out to simultaneously overtake this one. The other dossier ("Glosses and interpreters of the latin and vernacular humanism") joins the stakes of the project “Alfonso de Cartagena. Complete works”. The classic tradition is examined as contemporary, since sources have been seen as agents of establishment of a new definition of knowledge. The concepts of author and authorship diversify in new textual devices such as translation, gloss, etc. These discursive strategies operate in the transmission, in the representation, but also in the textual creation. The tension between literate and chivalric cultures, between scholastic and humanistic models, is also visible. The assessment between past and present takes place, in any case, in the examination of texts and ideas which converge in Cartagena and under the reign of King Juan II.