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Repères, n°65/2022

Repères, n°65/2022

Élèves plurilingues en classes ordinaires : outils et questions pour la didactique du français

Edited by Marie-Claude Penloup, Bernadette Kervyn, Véronique Miguel Addisu

Repères - Recherches en didactique du français

Multilingual students in mainstream classes: tools and issues for the teaching of the French language

This issue focuses on the teaching of the French Language, the teaching of languages and sociolinguistics. It brings together current research on multilingualism in so-called monolingual classes, classroom practices and related training. The implications for inclusion and effective teaching are huge, particularly in France, a country in which monolingual ideology is dominant and very firmly established.

The eleven articles in this issue present a dynamic, perhaps even a bubbling-up of questions and experiments. They focus on normal practices, experiments, as well as training programmes for teachers. They all affirm the need to value linguistic diversity and to see multilingualism as an asset and an educational tool for all students. The texts cover different school levels, with a particular focus on primary schools. The contributions also feature different sociolinguistic contexts in the French-speaking world: metropolitan France, French Guiana, Mayotte and Quebec. They highlight the crucial importance of this issue, particularly in schools where social inequality is most pronounced.

Marie-Claude Penloup
lien IdRef : 056822014


Marie-Claude Penloup, Yves Reuter, Régine Delamotte-Legrand
Repères, n°53/2016
Décrocher à l'école : la part du français
The school dropout problem: a didactic approach studying the impact of French teaching
This issue of Repères is innovative in that it sets out to plug this gap by addressing the school dropout problem from a didactic perspective, focusing on school subjects and the French language in particular.

Marie-Claude Penloup
Les connaissances ignorées
Approche pluridisciplinaire de ce que savent les élèves

Marie-France Bishop, Marie-Claude Penloup
Repères, n°34/2006
L'écriture de soi et l'école

Marie-Claude Penloup, Yves Reuter
Repères, n°23/2001
Les pratiques extrascolaires de lecture et d'écriture des élèves