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Mots. Les langages du politique, n°120/2019

Mots. Les langages du politique, n°120/2019

Nom d'un parti ! Pour une onomastique partisane

Edited by Paul Bacot, Michelle Lecolle

Mots. Les langages du politique

Nom d'un parti! Partisan onomastics

The names of political organizations are proper nouns with specific features: they name groups, they are chosen by those they will collectively name, and their meaningful wording belongs to the common lexicon. A party's baptizing is a language act that confers it its existence as such. A party’s name henceforth fulfils several functions for party members and for the electoral body. It contributes to its positioning, relatively to the collective actors enjoying a similar status, situating it in relation to others that it either shares the political space with, or to others of the same political hue that are situated elsewhere, or elsewhere chronologically, sometimes as forerunnners or as heirs. The party’s name belongs to a universe peopled with other names that it sometimes explicitely echoes. It does neither emerge from a lexical vacuum, nor from a syntactic vacuum. The following eight articles present a wide variety of situations, with fictional, present and past party names, a wide variety of countries, situated on the four main continents, and of political contexts and ideological persuasions. The articles propose comparisons between party names, they describe the evolutions of a party and its name, or they study the emergence of a name… The contributors belong to different disciplines (mostly history, language science and political science), which together contribute to shedding light on that multifaceted object.

Paul Bacot
lien IdRef : 026700018


Paul Bacot, Valérie Bonnet, François Genton
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°124/2020
Chanter le collectif
Singing the collective
Among all the songs that celebrate and objectify the existence of a human collective, anthems occupy a prominent place, but not an exclusive one. This dossier deals with the conditions of their emergence, their linguistic and musical characteristics, their transformations and their multiple social uses.

Paul Bacot, Chloé Gaboriaux, Christian Le Bart, Damon Mayaffre
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°112/2016
Mots. Les langages du politique,n°112/2016
Discours présidentiels et de présidentielles
Presidential speeches and presidential campaigns speeches
This Special issue of our journal will be entirely devoted to presidential speeches and presidential electoral campaigns.

Paul Bacot, Maria Aldina Marques, Michèle Monte
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°101/2013
Le discours politique portugais

Paul Bacot, Dominique Desmarchelier, Sylvianne Rémi-Giraud
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°100/2012
Chiffres et nombres dans l'argumentation politique - numéro spécial

Paul Bacot, Dominique Desmarchelier, Jean-Paul Honoré
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°95/2011
Sigles et acronymes en politique

Paul Bacot
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°94/2010
Trente ans d'étude des langages du politique (1980-2010)

Paul Bacot, Christian Le Bart
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°83/2007
Dire la démocratie aujourd'hui

Paul Bacot, Sylvianne Rémi-Giraud
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°68/2002
Les métaphores spatiales en politique