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Journal : Astérion. Philosophie, histoire des idées, pensée politique
• ISSN : 1762611
• 1 issue per year
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Pascal Sévérac
Astérion, n°19/2018
Spinoza : entre anthropologie et psychologie
anthropology, psychology, Spinoza, human nature, affects
What is this human nature that Spinoza talks about everywhere and that he does not define anywhere ? The reflections proposed in this file have been conducted both within the Spinozist philosophy, as questions of interpretation of the system, but also outside this philosophy, as questions about how it can be used today.

Jean-Paul Paccioni
Astérion, n°18/2018
Tetens et la philosophie transcendantale. Psychologie, philosophie transcendante et perfectibilité
Tetens and transcendental philosophy. Psychology, transcendent philosophy and perfectibility
This collection of texts is intended to correct a historical oversight. Johann Nikolaus Tetens (1736-1807) is an ignored thinker, yet he played a central philosophical role in eighteenth-century Germany. He developed the problem of the objectivity of knowledge before Kant and gave previously unknown opportunities to philosophical thought.

Pierre Crétois, Stéphanie Roza
Astérion, n°17/2017
De l'intérêt général
On General Interest
The notion of public interest, which has been widespreadly used in France in the eighteenth century, contains a foundamental polysemy: the debates about its definition are linked with the modern characterization of the State and its right.

Martine Furno
The 16th century saw the emergence of vernaculars as languages of thought, and the parallel maintenance of Latin as a learned language of communication and thought. The issue presented here sought to question the facts in terms of the gradual impact of this rise of the vernaculars on Latin throughout the century.

Jean-Louis Fournel, Christian Biet
Astérion, n°15/2016
Après la guerre
After the War
This issue deals refers to the exact time when violents conflicts are supposed to end. Usually called «postwar period» and always perceived as problematic, this moment is an unachieved process: we know when it starts but we do not ever know when it really ends.

Auteurs divers
Astérion, n°14/2016
Penser les révolutions arabes
Thinking Arab revolutions
The 2011 Arab Spring constitutes one of the major events of the start of the 21st century and the starting point for important changes to the human and social science discourses devoted to the Arab world and to Islam.

Marie Goupy, Sébastien Roman
Astérion, n°13/2015
La démocratie à l'épreuve du conflit
Democracy: The Conflict Test
Questions regarding the role and value of social conflict in democracy are nothing new. The following contributions examine the democratic potential of agonism, either directly or through a broader approach that engages longstanding questions in the field – revealing its complexity.

Gabrielle Radica
Astérion, n°12/2014
Le principe de la folie et de la raison. Association des idées et liaison des idées aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles
But prior to the full appropriation of this principle by the psychology, early modern thinkers and philosophers have argued and hesitated about the nature of this phenomenon and its correct explanation. The papers edited here intend to study different kinds of problems that arise when one tries to define and give an account of this connection.

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