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Collection : Perspectives genre
Series edited by Claude Gautier and Vanina Mozziconacci
• ISSN : 28254988
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Lucile Ruault
Le spéculum, la canule et le miroir
Speculum, cannula and mirror
Avorter au MLAC, une histoire entre féminisme et médecine
Abortion at MLAC, a story of feminism and medicine
Perspectives genre
This book proposes a sociohistory of the social control of women's bodies from the perspective of the mobilizations for free abortion from 1972 to 1984 in France. It examines the medicalization of a procedure through the exclusion of lay women and at the same time the feminist appropriation of abortion knowledge.

Mathilde Provansal, Christine Détrez
Artistes mais femmes
Artists but women
Une enquête sociologique dans l'art contemporain
A sociological investigation in contemporary art
Perspectives genre
Women artists are less visible than men artists on the contemporary art market. Yet, they are in the majority in art schools. How can we explain this paradox? This book offers a new perspective on gender inequalities in artistic careers by examining the career paths of the graduates of a prestigious French school of visual arts.

Michèle Le Dœuff, Léa Védie
Perspectives genre

Ophélie Rillon, Michelle Zancarini-Fournel
Le genre de la lutte
Gender of struggle
Une autre histoire du Mali contemporain (1956-1991)
Another history of contemporary Mali (1956-1991)
Perspectives genre
the book offers a novel analysis of the gendered dynamics that permeate the forms of collective action and the way in which commitment contributes to changing gender relations in contemporary Mali. From decolonisation in 1960 to 1991 revolution, four decades of social and political struggles have shaped the country's highly non-consensual history.