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Collection : Gouvernement en question(s)

A multi-disciplinary collection, Gouvernement en question(s) welcomes works which question political power in various guises. It explores the thinking, theories and knowledge which form the basis of the principles of political organisation. It also invites analysis of practices, methods and expertise put in motion by governments. Finally, it undertakes to study the claims, objections and disputes levelled at them. This collection also accepts translations and thereby aims to encourage discussion on perspectives and varied approaches, whether they come under political science, history, sociology, philosophy or economic science.

• ISSN : 21174253
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Veronica Gomez-Temesio
L'État sourcier
Eau et politique au Sénégal
Gouvernement en question(s)

Pierre-Louis Reymond
Le savant, le langage et le pouvoir
The scholar, language and power
Le Livre du plaisir partagé en amitié d'Abū Ḥayyān al-Tawḥīdī
Abū Ḥayyān al-Tawḥīdī's Kitāb al-imtāʿ wa-l-muʾānasa analysis
Gouvernement en question(s)
This work deals with one of the most famous masterpieces of classical Arabic litterature: Abū Ḥayyān al-Tawḥīdī's Kitāb al-imtāʿ wa-l-muʾānasa. Its main purpose is to show how Tawhidi delivers a strong political message which aims at emphasizing the fact that the exercise of power cannot be disconnected from the scholar's judgment.

Sylvain Brunier
Le bonheur dans la modernité
Happiness in modernity
Conseillers agricoles et agriculteurs (1945-1985)
Agricultural advisers and famers in France (1945-1985)
Gouvernement en question(s)
The book proposes to study the professional group of agricultural advisers in order to renew the social and political history of the modernization of French agriculture during the "Trente glorieuses".

Nicolas Fischer
Le territoire de l'expulsion
Land of the Deported.
La rétention administrative des étrangers et l'État de droit en France
Immigration Detention and the Rule of Law in Contemporary France
Gouvernement en question(s)
This research describes the daily organization of immigration detention centers which are now used in France.The author combines archival work and ethnographic observation to describe the origins, contemporary enforcement and unexpected social effects of this tension between repression and legal protection.

Sarah Mazouz
La République et ses autres
The Republic and Her Others
Politiques de l'altérité dans la France des années 2000
French Politics of Alterity Since 2000
Gouvernement en question(s)

Luigi Bobbio, Patrice Melé, Vicente Ugalde
Gouvernement en question(s)

Laurent Godmer, Guillaume Marrel
La politique au quotidien
L'agenda et l'emploi du temps d'une femme politique
Gouvernement en question(s)

Marion Morellato, Mario Vaudano
Pétrole et corruption
Oil and bribery
Le dossier Mi.Fo.Biali dans les relations italo-libyennes (1969-1979
The importance of Mi.Fo.Biali Case in the relations between Italy and Libya (1969-1979)
Gouvernement en question(s)
When colonel Gadhafi came to power in Libya in 1969 he appeared to be aggressive but open to illegal trafficking with Italy and he offered weapons against oil. He thus helped to build a corrupted system in Italy. This book aims at understanding this system, relying on different sort of sources particularly an original source, Mi.Fo.Biali Case,

Ludovic Frobert, George Sheridan
Gouvernement en question(s)

Marion Carrel
Faire participer les habitants ?
Citoyenneté et pouvoir d'agir dans les quartiers populaires
Gouvernement en question(s)

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