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Collection : Gouvernement en question(s)

A multi-disciplinary collection, Gouvernement en question(s) welcomes works which question political power in various guises. It explores the thinking, theories and knowledge which form the basis of the principles of political organisation. It also invites analysis of practices, methods and expertise put in motion by governments. Finally, it undertakes to study the claims, objections and disputes levelled at them. This collection also accepts translations and thereby aims to encourage discussion on perspectives and varied approaches, whether they come under political science, history, sociology, philosophy or economic science.

• ISSN : 21174253
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Marion Demonteil
Inspecter la culture
Inspecting Culture
Une sociologie de l'écriture administrative
Sociology of Administrative Writing
Gouvernement en question(s)
Centering its analysis on the inspection report, this book vividly illustrates the how inspectorates have become independent institutions. By looking at those who are responsible for writing, commissioning, and receiving these reports, the book sheds light not only on the writing practices but also on the intricate dynamics surrounding them.

Sergio Sismondo, Mathias Girel
Le management fantôme de la médecine
Ghost-Managed Medicine
Les mains invisibles de Big Pharma
Big Pharma's Invisible Hands
Gouvernement en question(s)
Sismondo describes what happens within the chain from the design of the clinical trial to the diffusion of drug results, and highlights what he calls "ghost-management", which allows for a high degree of control of drug science by the pharmaceutical industry to influence doctors' prescriptions.

Anaïs Théviot
Gouverner par les données?
Govern by data ?
Pour une sociologie politique du numérique
Gouvernement en question(s)
This book questions the weight and use of data in the ways of governing. Data, online or offline, is becoming a key resource in governance and as such represents a strong political stake. Work on data has always existed, but what is changing is the massification of this data - transcribed by the term big data - made possible by digital technology.

Guibourg Delamotte
La démocratie au Japon, singulière et universelle
Democracy in Japan, Idiosyncrasies and Universalism
Gouvernement en question(s)
Was Japanese democracy born in 1945? Is it the result of a democratic transplant carried out by the Americans? Beyond its particularities, does it meet the universal standards of democracy? This book attempts to answer these questions and to deconstruct preconceived notions about the Japanese political system.

Aurélie Fillod-Chabaud
Au nom du père
In the Name of the Father
Sociologie des mobilisations de pères séparés
Sociology of Mobilisations of Separated Fathers
Gouvernement en question(s)
"Parental equality", "sexist justice!". Regularly, men perch on top of monuments to hold up, for a few hours, signs displaying these slogans. This book, proposes an analysis of the mobilizations of separated fathers, in a comparative perspective (France-Quebec) for an academic, associative and activist public.

Judith Favereau
Le hasard de la preuve
The chance of the proof
Apports et limites de l'économie expérimentale du développement
Contributions and limits of experimental development economics
Gouvernement en question(s)

Jean-Claude Zancarini, Romain Descendre
La France d'Antonio Gramsci
Antonio Gramsci's France
Gouvernement en question(s)
This book highlights the role of French history, politics, and culture in the formation and reflection of Gramsci. Gramsci's texts are philology, textual criticism, and philosophical analysis. There are no studies on this topic (except for a 1998 book).

Ludovic Frobert
Vers l'égalité, ou au-delà ?
Towards equality or beyond?
Essai sur l'aube du socialisme
Essay on the dawn of socialism
Gouvernement en question(s)
Today when the objective of a rigorous calculation of merits, renamed equal opportunity or equity, has become not only the dominant value but sometimes the unique value of a dying socialism, it may be appropriate to carry out A journey through time. This short essay therefore proposes a return to the origins of socialism.

Émilie Biland
Gouverner la vie privée
Governing Intimacy in France and Canada
L'encadrement inégalitaire des séparations conjugales en France et au Québec
How Judicial Policies Shape Inequalities after Breakups
Gouvernement en question(s)
This book combines several fields (socio-legal studies, intersectionality studies, public policy analysis, and the sociology of work) in order to assess a prime concern on the social and political agenda, that of the legal regulation of break-ups.

Benito Mussolini, Stéphanie Lanfranchi, Élise Varcin
Mussolini socialiste : littérature et religion
Socialist Mussolini : Literature and Religion
I. Anthologie de textes, 1900-1918
I. Anthology of Texts, 1900-1918)
Gouvernement en question(s)

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