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Journal : Tracés
Revue de Sciences humaines
Founded by Paul Costey and Arnaud Fossier

Tracés: Revue de Sciences Humaines publishes research in the social sciences in two themed issues per year and a handful of special editions. These issues focus on an old debate that has taken a new turn due to current editorial or political circumstances, takes an idea that the various intellectual traditions and disciplines would usually address in isolation and submits it to examination from multiple perspectives, or explores an emerging field of thought. Tracés claims a true pluralism, as attested to by the variety of themes and approaches it publishes. The journal's editorial committee is made up of young researchers from various disciplines and pursues a strong interdisciplinary project. This is manifested in the selection of articles, notes, translations, and interviews that make up each of the issues.

• 3 issues per year
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Rémi Hadad, Igor Krtolica, Aurélia Michel, Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod
Tracés, n°45/2023-2
« L'origine des inégalités » : résurgences et réappropriations d'un grand récit

Jérôme Heurtaux, Rachel Renault, Federico Tarragoni
Tracés, n°44/2023-1
États de crise
States of crisis
How does a crisis come into being, exist and pass? In response to these classical questions of the social sciences, this issue of Tracés takes a step aside by examining "states of crisis", i.e., the scholarly and ordinary procedures by which a given situation, in different social worlds, is qualified as "critical" and objectified as a crisis.

Anthony Pecqueux, Perrine Poupin, Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod
Tracés, hors-série 2022
L'interdisciplinarité « en effet » : sciences sociales, sciences naturelles
Interdisciplinarity "in effect": Social sciences, natural sciences
This special issue of the journal Tracés focuses on interdisciplinary practices across the social sciences and natural sciences. we sought to reflect on ways of practising interdisciplinarity across disciplines whose research objects, methods, epistemologies and theoretical references seem to differ significantly

Thomas Angeletti, Juliette Galonnier, Manon Him-Aquili
Tracés, n°43/2022
Instabilités sémantiques
Semantic instabilities
This issue of Tracés revisits the classic question of the social life of words and seeks to understand how the appearance of a term and its various potential meanings are socially produced and reproduced. it looks at the controversies surrounding the meaning of words and what they reveal about our societies and the functioning of language.

Mathieu Aguilera, Alice Doublier, Stéphane Le Courant, Camille Paloque-Bergès, Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod
Tracés, n°42/2022
Sans contact
This volume dedicated to the "contactless worlds" aims to reflect upon the social uses and functions of proximity and distance, relationships with others and on the breakdown of these relationships in social and historical contexts.

Annabelle Allouch, Diégo Antolinos-Basso, Florian Besson, Natalia La Valle, Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod
Tracés, Hors-série 2021
Les sciences humaines et sociales au travail (III): Réseaux socionumériques et travail de la recherche
Social sciences and humanities at work (III): Digital networks and the work of research
For the last fifteen years, the development of digital social networks (DSN) and their uses have changed the public space as well as professional, personal and militant practices. What effect has this had on scientific production and on the professional identity of its creators? What do DSN say about the evolution of scientific professions?

Pierre Janin, Natalia La Valle, Anne Lhuissier, Thomas Ribémont
Tracés, n°41/2021
Batailles de la faim
Battles of hunger
Hunger is a constructed phenomenon, inherent to human societies, whatever the level of available resources, political regimes, or governance. here highlight the lived experiences, practices and standards. With this Tracés issue, we hope to provide knowledge and insights that will contribute to making hunger a public problem and food a common good.

Amina Damerdji, Anthony Pecqueux, Matthieu Renault
Tracés, n°40/2021
Matières vivantes
Living Matter
This issue of Tracés seeks to promote scientific approaches in the social sciences that aim to rematerialize their objects, to give life to matter, which is all too often considered inert, and to re-examine the relationships between human and non-human worlds, beyond dichotomies.

Tracés, Camille Noûs
Tracés, n°39/2020
Documenter l'université qui lutte
Documenting the struggling university
2020 was a special year in many ways: Covid-19, but also the strong mobilization against the Research Programming Law in France. It was important for us to make a mobilized issue that would report on what happened during this unusual year.

Annabelle Allouch, Camille Noûs, Nicolas Rabain, Christelle Rabier, Clémentine Vidal-Naquet
Tracés, n°38/2020
While anxiety as a category is abundantly mobilized to designate a bodily sensation of malaise peculiar to the individual, this issue of Traces proposes to examine anxiety as a regime of experience in the face of uncertainty, using the tools no longer of psychoanalysis but of the human and social sciences.

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