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Collection : La Croisée des chemins

Research, heritage, controversy - these are just some of the forms the movement of ideas can take. The history of thought is not restricted to grandiose and impenetrable systems; it also includes a large volume of speeches, polemics, and conceptual migrations from one branch of thought to another. The "La croisée des chemins" collection publishes texts on the subject of intellectual history and its current impact: philosophy, political and legal theory, the aesthetics and challenges of scientific practices. It also sets out to promote foreign research in these areas and to make available to readers the key texts which are regarded as milestones in this history.


• ISSN : 17658128
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Jacques-Louis Lantoine, Pierre-François Moreau
L'intelligence de la pratique
The Intelligence of Practice
Le concept de disposition chez Spinoza
The Concept of Disposition in Spinoza
La croisée des chemins
Unlike traditional and contemporary approches of dispositions, the philosophy of Spinoza proposes a deterministic and actualist definition. This book highlights the originality of this definition and shows that the concept is crucial for the philosophy of practice and anthropology of Spinoza.

Dario Ippolito
L'esprit des droits
The Spirit of the Rights.
Montesquieu et le pouvoir de punir
Montesquieu and the Power to Punish.
La croisée des chemins
This book proposes a reflection on Montesquieu's political thought and the tension between the power to punish and individual rights. What does it mean to say that «it is on the goodness of criminal laws that the liberty of the subject principally depends»?

Ninon Grangé
L'urgence et l'effroi
Urgency and Terror
L'état d'exception, la guerre et les temps politiques
State of exception, war and political times
La croisée des chemins
This book proposes to show that politics is always a way of imposing a temporality against other temporalities, both unveiled and covered by the state of exception.

Ninon Grangé, Frédéric Ramel
Le droit international selon Hans Kelsen
Hans Kelsen and International Law
Criminalités, responsabilités, normativités
Criminality, Responsibility, Normativity
La croisée des chemins
This book aims at introducing an aspect of the legal thought of Hans Kelsen, and more particularly its conception of International Law. The originality of this research results from the integration of two translations of under-studied texts of Kelsen concerning the International criminal justice during the creation of military tribunals post WWII.

Pierre-François Moreau, Raffaele Carbone, Chantal Jaquet
À la croisée des interprétations
At the Crossroads of Interpretations
La croisée des chemins
The relationship between Spinoza's and Malebranche's philosophies has rarely been approached head-on in a speculative comparison which explores both the ontology and theory of knowledge and ethics and politics. This book offers new research on this subject.

Francesco Toto, Théophile Pénigaud, Emmanuel Renault
La reconnaissance avant la reconnaissance
The Recognition before Recognition
Archéologie d'une problématique moderne
Archaeology of a Modern Concept
La croisée des chemins

Saverio Ansaldi
Fureurs et mélancolie
Rage and melancholy
Philosophie, théologie et poésie à la Renaissance
Philosophy, theology and poetry in the Renaissance
La croisée des chemins

Christian Del Vento, Philippe Audegean, Xavier Tabet, Pierre Musitelli
Le bonheur du plus grand nombre
The Happiness of the Greatest Number
Beccaria et les Lumières
Beccaria and the Enlightenment
La croisée des chemins
This book examines the way On Crimes and Punishments (1764) gave birth to modern criminal law and paved the long road towards the abolition of the death penalty and torture in Europe. Written by prominent Beccaria scholars, the seventeen chapters provide interdisciplinary perspectives: , it furthers our understanding culture of today's world.

Catherine Volpilhac-Auger
Montesquieu : une histoire de temps
Montesquieu : a story of time
La croisée des chemins
Fifteen articles, several of which are unpublished, enable an overview of the complete works of Montesquieu in all their dimensions. What does the genesis of his works tell us? Rediscover Montesquieu in his time and in the long haul of history; revealed by the succession of readings, sometimes contradictory, which have been given.

Michael Stolleis, Christian Roques, Marie-Ange Roy
Le droit à l'ombre de la croix gammée
Études sur l'histoire du droit du national-socialisme
La croisée des chemins

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